Part 20

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Star Destroyer Twilight, system near Atollon, 2023, 3279 LY

     When Ezra regained consciousness, he saw that he was in a cell. He thought he was dead when he was shot, but the pain in his leg was still there. He knew there'd be troopers outside, of course. He tried to scratch an itch on his head, but realized he had cuffs on again. The door opened, emitting a creepy-looking woman with raven-colored hair and predatory eyes. ''You're awake,'' she stated, a smile forming on her face.

     ''Thank you, captain obvious,'' Ezra muttered, glaring at the newcomer. He didn't know this new woman, and didn't really want to. Especially when he caught sight of the lightsaber at her belt. No, two. His and hers.

     She hissed, ''I am the Third Sister. You, my adorable little boy, are in no position to hurl insults.'' Grudgingly, he knew that was true. ''Of course, this can all be settled if you join me.''

     Ezra smirked, growling, ''I'd rather be locked in here or dead.''

     The Third Sister merely chuckled. ''That can be arranged.'' She pulled out her lightsaber, letting out a scarlet blade. ''As for how cute you are, I suppose no one will mind if I add a couple other scars to the ones you already have.'' She stalked towards Ezra like a hunter to its cornered prey. That's when the screaming started.

     Hera had looked up Ezra's cell number, and had found it, but when she was near, she began to hear screaming. With a sickened feeling, she realized that it was Ezra who was screaming. She didn't, couldn't know who was in there, so she had to wait until they left.

     About a half an hour later, a creepy-looking female stomped away. Hera paid no mind; she was there for Ezra. Walking in, she gasped at what she seen. Ezra lied on the cell's bed, bloody and unconscious. The female had stalked away because she couldn't glean anything from him. He had passed out.

     The Twi'lek picked up the boy, who barely stirred as she put his head on her chest, holding him bridal-style. Hera would've gone in there earlier, but she didn't want to risk Ezra's life or hers. Not until the time was right. She saw now, as she held him close, that he had multiple lightsaber burns. That's how the woman had tortured him.

     Hera also found his lightsaber when she had picked Ezra up. He must have snatched it from the woman at some point. The way he looked so vulnerable broke Hera's heart. The female had to be heartless to do this to a boy. She had to be.

     The Phantom flew to the base where Kanan, Zeb, and Sabine waited for them. Out of it walked Hera holding Ezra, and Kanan heard gasps all around him. He walked forward unconfidently until he reached Ezra. He took his Padawan from the Twi'lek, who let him. He cradled the boy in his arms, a tear trying to escape. He had felt Ezra's pain and touched the places he had felt them.

     Lightsaber burns mainly, but the one on the leg was from a blaster. Kanan frowned in grief, but carried Ezra to the med facility where Hera and a medical droid helped patch the boy up. Like he did every time his Padawan got hurt or sick, he took a seat and began to meditate.

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