Part 8

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(Making most of this up)

Hyperspace, aboard the Ghost, 1723, 3278 LY

     ''Kanan!'' Zeb hollered, his voice cracking with worry. This made Kanan's stomach drop; it was never good when someone yelled about something on the Ghost. Lately, it's had to do with Ezra, and he didn't want to go through another incident where Ezra tried to kill himself. With this in mind, and his worry increasing by every passing second, he hurried over to Zeb, who was at the entrance to his and Ezra's room. The door was open, and everything was strangely quiet in there. ''Kanan, it's Ezra,'' he continued. Of course it was Ezra. ''He's barely breathing.''

     This made Kanan inhale sharply, running into the room to the bottom bunk. ''Go get Hera!'' he ordered to Zeb, who left obediently. Kanan felt where Ezra was through the Master and Padawan bond they shared. Gently, he grabbed the limp boy's hands, and began to transmit life energy just as he learned how to at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant when he was still a Padawan.

     His eyes closed, and he saw Vader in front of him with Ahsoka on the other side. Kanan realized that he was seeing Ezra's memories as Vader turned to look at him. The two, who used to be master and apprentice, were exchanging words, and then the fight began. The view changed to that of the holocron as Ezra tried to reach for it. Then it regarded himself when Chopper was guiding him to Ezra. Then it changed back to the holocron as Ezra and Kanan both reached for it. Once again, it changed, this time to Ahsoka, Force-pushing Ezra as the Temple closed in on her.

     It changed, this time to a dark room. It felt as if Kanan was back in the present until the room was illuminated by a scarlet glow. In front of him stood Darth Maul, staring at him intently while Kanan's form in this memory stood a ways off. Looking to his right and left, Kanan saw that they were on a ledge that fell into empty darkness. Maul growled, ''I see you have opened the holocron, my apprentice. Did you find the information you sought?''

     The form of Kanan standing a little ways away activated his blue lightsaber and growled, ''He isn't your apprentice.'' Maul just smiled and spun around, attacking Kanan. Ezra, whose eyes Kanan was seeing through, yelled something incomprehensible. He watched as he and Maul battled, Maul overwhelming this version of himself, and stabbed him in the chest.

     ''Now you are,'' Maul growled, a deadly smile on his face as the blue lightsaber deactivated and clattered to the stone floor. The body of this version of Kanan crumpled, eyes still wide and mouth opened in a silent yell to his Padawan. Still smiling in self-satisfaction, Maul kicked the lifeless body into the abyss.

     Ezra yelled, ''KANAN!'' This jolted the blind Master out of Ezra's nightmare to find himself lying on the bunk with Ezra above him, fully conscious and alert. Kanan felt so tired, he just wanted to sleep, but Ezra wouldn't allow it. It seemed as if he was outside his body when Ezra lifted the limp body and shook it. ''Kanan, don't go to sleep on me.''

     His Padawan's voice seemed so far away, so muffled. Kanan wanted to push Ezra away, but he was too weak to move, too tired. His groggy mind realized that he had given Ezra most of his life energy, too much. Ezra grabbed his hands, and Kanan knew what he was going to do. He was going to return some of the life energy. He wanted to push away the energy; his Padawan needed it more. As soon as he could, he pushed the rest of it away, but the energy transfer had given him a splitting headache and a nauseated feeling.

     Hera ran down the corridor of the Ghost, Zeb beside her. When she heard what was going on, she began to run to Ezra's room. As she got closer to the room, she found Sabine watching something, then run into the room. Of course, that was never good. Reaching the room, what she saw scared her.

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