Chapter 2

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Rylie's POV

"Rylie Nicole Brown," my mom snapped as soon as I closed the door firmly behind me. Her face wore a mask of calm, collection, but I wasn't fooled. She had a superb poker face. My father put his hand over hers and whispered something in her ear, possibly discussing the punishment right before me. Yet, her face morphed to one of exasperation. For the moment, he was on my side. My mom sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Rylie, you have five minutes to explain where you were and why."

I wasn't much of the lying type. I knew it wouldn't get me anywhere. However, in this situation it would be best to stick with the lie; I would rather not be disowned by my own family. Their dislike for the Style's family was evident in every fiber of their being.

"I Hunter's house," I say, smiling anxiously. I held on to the hope that I didn't look as nervous as I actually felt. Although, my heart was racing a mile a minute.

My mom sighed in relief and leaned back against the arm of the couch. The tension in the air decreased by a magnitude. "Good, good. I just thought you were with...them," she whispered; it was as if she were referring to them as a feral beast. They were welcoming citizens- well for the most part. As she mentioned them, a scowl crawled back onto her face. It was chilling to say the least.

I didn't even ask who she was talking about; if I did, that would end up giving it away. I back out of the room and go into my bedroom. The dimly lit room felt more comforting than the excruciating bright light of the living room. No one could glare at me here. I felt safer and more secure.

I lied down and texted Gemma. We had traded numbers before I left so that we could catch up and hang out sometime. As expected, she replied right off.

I ended up going to bed early, which was odd for me. I was homeschooled, so I would usually stay up until two and sleep until like one in the afternoon. Today was just full of new experiences left and right.

When I got up the following morning, I decided to finish my school work for the day and ask if Gemma wanted to hang out. I would have asked Hunter, but I rarely even talk to him anymore. After we broke up, we had formed an awkward friendship. We would talk about boring things, like the stereotypical weather conversations. It just doesn't feel the same with Hunter anymore. I could barely hold up a conversation with him without feeling guilty about the breakup.

I finished my work before it was even lunchtime. I called Gemma and waited, smiling to myself. It was nice to have a true close friend. I did miss Maddie, Hunter's younger sister, but hanging out with her would include having an awkward silence with her brother at the door, or while she was taking a shower. So, at the end of the day, Maddie was not a preferred option.

After the first ring, someone answered the phone. It wasn't Gemma. "What do you want?" a deep voice asked. If I didn't know any better, I would say it was her father, but I knew it was Harry. I have only heard his voice a few times, but I could pick it out.

"I was just wanting to talk to Gemma...," I begin. I wasn't sure how to talk to Harry. Last night was the first real time we actually talked.

There was a pause and then a moment later Harry said,"She isn't here right now. Do you want me to tell her you called?"

I chewed on my lip. Harry was being nicer than before, or maybe I am being delusional. Maybe yesterday was all an act to act like a tough new kid. Maybe with time he would open up. Maybe he would change. I realized a little late that I didn't answer him. "Yes please," I say.

I can hear his soft chuckle as he wrote something down. "All right. Bye....Rimmy?" Harry asked.

Even though I barely knew Harry, I knew him enough to know that he was only kidding. I decided to play along with his little game. "Bye Harold," I whisper.

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