Chapter 10

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Rylie's POV

Lips, his lips, my lips, together after so long. Okay maybe not a long time, but still it felt long since the last time we kissed.

A tiny spark of butterflies hit my stomach and I flushed slightly. It was nice to know that I had Harry. I didn't know him too long, I know that, but it felt amazing to be close to someone. And it was even better to be close to Harry.

We finally pulled away, but that was because there were people in the hall, possibly about to come in. I still felt the butterflies, but it wasn't as intense as before.

"We should get to the others," Harry mutters. I couldn't tell if he was upset or if he was playing with my emotions. I didn't question it as I followed him toward the door.

The people who happened to be walking down the hall, were both females and they both were gawking at Harry. I felt uncomfortable. I know they were checking him out and it made me feel like I was in an awkward position.

I wanted to smack the blonde one, because she obviously was more interested in Harry than her friend, the brunette.

Harry was oblivious to both of the girls. I wasn't sure if I was happy with that or not. I wanted him to tell them to stop. I doubt he would though. In some ways, Harry was sweet. The first time he met me, he was rude, sure. But I am not sure if that is the normal Harry or not. He started being nice to me after that first day. It was no telling if he meant anything by it at the time or not.

Harry was staring back at me, expecting me to follow him. I didn't even realize I hadn't moved since I saw those two girls. I really need to stop fretting. Harry doesn't even notice them, so I should act like I don't either.

I still couldn't check one more time over my shoulder to make sure that they both were out of sight before I turned back to Harry. "Sorry, I wasn't sure if you were walking," I mumble, trying to make up a quick excuse. I didn't want Harry to know that I was jealous of the two girls I don't even know.

Harry only chuckles and leads me toward the elevator. I didn't want to ask him, but I was sure he knew that I was jealous. It also made me a little mad that he found it funny. I went to the other side of the elevator and crossed my arms. Harry was looking over at me and smirking. He knew I was only pouting and to be honest, I couldn't stay mad. Especially since he had a goofy smile on his cheeky face. I inched my way over to him and took his hand.

"I knew you couldn't stay mad at me," Harry whispers into my ear. I nudge him away and laugh softly.

"You are lucky I am so forgiving. Your smile is just too darn cute," I murmur, taking his chin between my thumb and index finger.

Harry smiles slightly and mutters, "Damn. Say damn."

I wasn't sure if he was being serious or not. I don't usually curse, nor do I plan on it. There are slip ups here and there, but most of the time I am able to stop the senseless words.

"Please, you just don't cuss enough. Live a little, Rimmy."

I try to stop my stupid smile that slipped onto my face when he called me Rimmy. I honestly thought we were over the silly names we started calling each other the first week we met. I guess not. "As long as you don't call me Rimmy anymore," I negotiate. I secretly didn't want him to agree. I liked when he called my Rimmy.

"Oh no, that won't work. You like me calling you Rimmy, I know you do," Harry says, smirking.

The elevator doors open and I step out, Harry following me. The condo was nicer than what I expected. The hallway itself was probably wider than my own room. Sure, it needed enough room for other people to get through, but still, it was huge. I never thought I would stay in a place this nice.

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