Chapter 40

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A few months later

Harry's POV

"This is it," Gemma whispered, her eyes slipping to my face. She stared at the ring on her finger, then to me again. "I can't believe I am doing this," she murmured; this time, she was talking to herself. She pulled the ring off of her ring and rolled it between the tips of them. I placed a hand on her shoulder; my sister was strong. She could do this. Finally, she chunked the ring into the still water. Ringlets were what followed its path. The sun glistened off the water; the heat was annoyingly abundant. Turning to me, she pulled me into another hug. She had tears streaming down her face. And I swore, I would do what I could to kill this kid. He hurt my sister, and that was enough for me.


The following morning I woke to the cold; I felt out for my cover, but it was nowhere to be seen. I know Gemma wanted me out the house as soon as possible, but I didn't think she would make me pack up and leave for the airport till noon. I was wrong.

"Gemma-a-a," I whined, reaching out for the cover again. It was nowhere to be seen; well, I couldn't see. I refused to open an eye. Suddenly, I felt a weight of a body pressing against me. "Gemma leave me alone-e-e-e," I plead. There was a giggle and then a sneeze. "Gemma?" I grumble again, but that clever sister of mine didn't answer. I crack an eye open and see I am face to, well, nose with Rylie. Her dark eyes are shining as she stared down at me.

"Hey," she greeted; she looked like a ray of sunshine. Skype didn't do her justice. It didn't highlight the features of her smile. It didn't make her eyes shine like so. It didn't make even her giggle sound quite right. "Guess who is a graduate?" she continued, a trill in her voice.

Graduate? Did I miss something? How did I miss something like that?

"Why did I miss it?"

Rylie grinned and takes my hand. "Trust me. You still have a semester. I graduated early. But I am walking wojr my class," she reassured before tugging me up from the bed. "Now, I have a surprise," she added before disappearing. Moments later, she was tugging in a medium sized suitcase. She turned her back to me and began to unzip the suitcase.

"Uh, you want me to unpack your clothes?"

Rylie only turned to me and stuck her tongue out before unzipping it all the way. After the top popped open, I was face to face with the cheeky boy. He actually had cheeks too! His skin had some color to it. His dark hair was all grown out. And best of all, he threw his arms around me instantly. "Cheese stain!" he greeted. "Rylie got me to come here. I rode on a plane! Mom actually let me! The doctors say...the doctors say my sickness is better!" he spouted off. His round eyes stared back at me brightly. The fact he called her Rylie was a shock, but I didn't ask. He was an exuberant amount of energy. He hadn't been in a long time.

Just as I was about tell him how much I missed him, he broke free and shot out of the room. Rylie giggled beside me; she thought this funny. "You little nugget," I muttered, reaching over and ruffling her hair.

"I see you haven't changed much," Rylie commented as she stood to her feet. The smile that had lit her face moments before, especially when Marcus popped out of the little suitcase, left within an instant. "Harry, I am so sorry...but we can't be together...I love someone else."

I woke with a start; I felt the bed sheets and the cover. A sheen of sweat was slipping down my brow. Scrambling, I check the time and day. No wonder I had such an absurd dream. It was graduation day, and we had all flown back to Washington the night before. Rylie was graduating with the class she had been in before she signed up for Italy. This was her time, and I had been on edge the entirity of the past few days. After Gemma threw the ring into the river, I have been nothing but a wreck. Gemma thought it was just nerves from getting to see Rylie after about half a year. That's right. We haven't seen each other since the incident in London. And all this time, I have been spending time with Gemma. This was the day that Rylie was finally returning, and I couldn't express my happiness.

However, what didn't add up was how Marcus popped into my dream. I sure did miss the little guy, but I had a feeling I was dreaming the moment I called Rylie a "nugget." Never have I ever done that before.

Quickly, I dressed into a tuxedo and my best dress shoes, which weren't much, but they would do. I wanted to dress up from Rylie's sake. This would be the first time I would see her in what felt like centuries rather than a half of a year. I really need to set some boundaries. I could barely go a day without Rylie, so longer felt like an eternity.

A knock at my door brought me out of my thoughts. Gemma approached me in her long, floor length gown. "You look great," I commented, but then noticed her tears. "Gemma?" I asked, turning and opening my arms. She sank into my embrace and cried softly. "What's wrong?"

She doesn't speak for a while. The silence folds in upon us for a few more moments before she finally calms down enough to speak. "Today...would have been my wedding day," she whispered before she wiped the mascara from under her eyes. It all dawned on me then; it was a rather sad moment. I gave her one more lasting hug before dropping my arms by my sides. She had quickly sombered up. "Come on. We have a graduation to attend."

Her mood swings just get me.


The car lurched to a stop. Throwing me a sorry glance, Gemma whispered, "Sorry. Can you get Xavier?" Without checking to see if, in fact, I would or not, she headed off into the gym, where the graduation was being held.

Sighing, I pulled the backseat door open and grinned. The little guy was rather fine, and unlike the doctors had thought, he hadn't suffered from anything. Despite the fact he was little, he was a rather healthy baby. "Hey there little X," I greeted, and Xavier just stared back at me blankly. Well, I tried.

Unbuckling him from his car seat, I pulled him into my arms and supported his head. Nudging the door closed, I headed off into the auditorium. Gemma was already seated beside Sara; I don't meet eye contact, but I didn't have to. Her eyes were on the little guy in my arms. "Oh my god. Gemma he is the cutest!" she exclaimed. She hadn't seen the baby since it had been born. Gemma was beaming beside her. As I knew I should, I passed the baby off to Sara. She made gooey eyes and cooed the entire time.

Meanwhile, I searched for Rylie. Her big curls were hard to miss, and if her hair wasn't curled today, then her big, chocolate eyes would be the second indicator. Yet, I saw her nowhere. Agitated, I grumbled a few obscenities. The fowl words stopped as Xavier was passed back to me.

"It's about to start!" Gemma chanted.

The first few minutes were annoyingly boring. I yawned, but then heard a few coughs. Moments later, Xavier spit up....all over the tuxedo. Gemma's eyes widened. "Harry, I am so sorry!" she whispered and took Xavier from me.

Cursing, I stood and headed down the bleachers and went to the water fountain. I splashed water across the stain, but it wasn't helping too much. Grumbling, I search for a solution to this unnecessary problem.

"Need some help?" a soft voice whispered. Turning, I see a girl with straight, long dark hair behind me. Her lashes danced slightly as she blinked her eyes. "Here is some napkins," she continued, digging out a packet of tissues from her purse. I thankfully take it.

"Thanks," I whisper as I scrub at the stain. Paper like flakes were left as residue, but for the most part it was okay.

"No problem," she whispered before sticking out her hand. "Hi, I am Sadie."


A/N: I know this is the longest chapter, but oh well! Hope you enjoyed. It has been a bit since I have updated. I was stuck in a rut. I am considering ending this soon. Have a good day! Be sure to check out the story I am co writing with another writer on here. It is Shifter on HonorableDauntless's account. Be sure to check out her stories too! Sorry this is so lengthy. Bye until next time!

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