Chapter 23

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Rylie's POV

Harry didn't say anything; five minutes have passed in complete silence. We have been sitting at the school lot, and neither of us have said a single word. I twitched and inched the door open. Harry quickly came alive, as if the car door woke him up.

"Rylie?" Harry asked. I half smile and climbed out of the car. I was fairly certain Harry didn't want me to come with him. I shouldn't have even asked. I slammed the door and get into my own car. I start it and listen to the comforting roar of the engine before I back out of the drive.

Harry's POV

Just as I opened my mouth to call for Rylie to come back, she was gone. I am not sure how long I had kept my mouth open before I coaxed myself out of my seat and into the driver's seat. I slammed the door shut, mentally cursing myself out for losing Rylie yet again. It would have been simpler to just tell Rylie the truth. It would have been less painful; she wouldn't trust me, but it would be better than waiting.

I revved the engine and began to pull out. When I looked over my shoulder, I noticed the violet pack Rylie always carried with her to school. Curiosity had the best of me; I stomped on the breaks and snatched the backpack from the seat. It was heavier than the one I would carry to school, when I had attented one.

Subconsciously, my mind was screaming at me to stop whatever the hell I was doing. Yet, I had to know what she had in there. After meeting the people she hangs out with, I felt it was my job to look out for her. I unzipped the biggest pocket and riffled through her notebooks. Everything was as normal as could be. I was nearly about to move on to the next pocket when I felt a silky package. On the front, there was a messy scrawling that said not to open it at school. I ripped the package open before I had fully thought about my actions. Inside, there were a packet of cigarettes and beside it was a single pill. I cringe and throw the bag on the floor board. My hands clenched around the steering wheel. The giver didn't have a name on it, but I had a feeling it was the tattooed bastard that took Rylie to school just yesterday. Feeling nauseated, I moved on to the next pocket. I couldn't risk Rylie containing any other drugs. I didn't want her to go down the road I had once been in.

The second pocket wasn't too promising. There was only a packet of gum and some crumbled sheets of paper. By the time I was at the last pocket, my hands were shaking. I carefully unzipped the pocket and inside was another set of pills. There wasn't a bottle beside it or anywhere near it. I fumbled with the opening and poured one out onto my hand. I didn't recognize the substance in my hand. I slipped it back into its cozy little sack and stuffed it into her bag.

I pressed on the gas pedal. I needed to have as much distance between the school and me as I could get. I was prepared to take Rylie out of that school. My mum could teach her. Better yet, I could enlighten her knowledge. Anything that could keep Rylie away from that school.

I turned into my driveway and stuffed the pills and other revolting substances under the seat. Sitting up, I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel. I was organizing my jumbled thoughts. I was nearly out there an hour before someone came for me.

Rylie opened the door and straddled my waist, not even saying anything as she smoothed out my curls. Her deep brown eyes bored into mine; I knew I had to tell her the truth. I didn't want to interrogate her before I have all my baggage off of my chest. I exhale and place my fingers over her warm ones.

"Rylie," I begin, anticipating her anger. "I must admit something."

Rylie's worried gaze almost forced me to back out of it. I hated to see her worry for me. If anything, she should be pissed at me.

"I lied. About my job," I confess. She leaned back, away from me. She was sitting seat on my lap, but I knew she was attempting to put as much distance between us as possible.

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