Chapter 5

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Rylie's POV

I followed Harry out of the arcade, not that I had much of a choice since he had his hand around my wrist.

"Are you hungry?" he asked me, turning to look at me.

I haven't ate since breakfast and it was almost two. "A little now that you mention it."

On instinct, I began to head toward the food court, but Harry stopped me again.

"Wait do you want to go somewhere...better?"

I hadn't been to a nice restaurant in a while and it did sound nice to go somewhere a little bit better. I didn't want to a fancy place though, that is for sure.

Harry smiled and led me towards the front of the mall. "You wait here, I'll tell Liam," he tells me, disappearing into the arcade again.

I waited patiently, not really in a hurry. I was hungry though and the food court was smelling better and better.

A guy bumped into me and I turned to apologize, even though I didn't do anything, but then stopped short. I looked from the nerdy glasses to the brown quiff and instantly stepped back.

"Oh," was all I could say.

I hadn't seen Hunter all week and I was beginning to think I wouldn't see his sad expression ever again. I was wrong.

"Hey Rylie," Hunter said, trying to hide a sigh by cough instead.

I wish Harry would hurry up. It doesn't take long to tell someone we are leaving. I fiddled with the hem of my shirt. "Hey," I whispered, not meeting his gaze.

"I was just with Maddie. She went to, uh, a store," he told me, attempting to smile.

I forced my own smile. "Tell her I said hey," I whisper.

Harry finally arrives with a huge smile on his face. "Ready to go R-" he begins but stops mid-sentence.

I didn't want to get in a situation like this and from the look Harry was giving me, he didn't seem to want to either. Actually, he looked pissed.

Hunter awkwardly shifts feet. "Rylie, you didn't tell me you were dating someone."

I opened my mouth to object but Harry answers before me. "Well, she is. Do you have a problem?" he mutters. His expression wasn't easy to decipher, but I knew he must be trying to stay calm.

Hunter shakes his head, shocked by Harry's mini outburst. "No, nothing," he whispered. He left, probably so Harry wouldn't skin him.

And just like that Harry was back to his smiling self.

"Let's go."

He lead me to his car and got in. I got in the passenger side, vaguely remembering how slow he had been the night of the recital. I half hoped he wouldn't do that again. He started the car and pulled out of the lot and onto the highway. It actually surprised me when he drove a normal rate of speed.

I finally find my voice to speak. "Thanks. You know, for covering for me back there," I say, smiling. I didn't want to make Hunter feel uncomfortable, but I wasn't really sure if I wanted to explain about our friendship, or whatever this was.

Harry doesn't look at me and I really wish he would. "Of course, friend," he replied, almost forcing the word "friend" out. I was tempted to ask if he was okay, but he just offered another one of his cheeky smiles. "So where would you like to eat?"

I didn't know many places, but the first that came to mind was Olive Garden. I really did want some noodles or anything really to do with it. He agreed and pulled into a parking space there. The wait was only ten minutes so we sat on one of the couches.

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