Chapter 11

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Harry's POV

"What were you two doing in there?" Gemma asks, her eyes shining with humor. Sometimes my sister really just needs to keep her mouth shut. I was in a good mood and I didn't need her to ruin in with her silly little games.

I sit down in the chair instead of the couch and smirk at them. I didn't want them to just think I was in a terrible mood. I decided to play along with Gemma's games.

"Oh you know, just having a good time," I answer, winking at Rylie as she walks in. She shoots me a dirty look, but climbs into my lap anyway.

Gemma doesn't say anymore, but she does give Rylie an evil grin. Rylie just rolls her eyes at Gemma and laughs. I really don't understand this language.

Finally, Gemma whispers, "Well you two get ready, we are leaving in twenty minutes to find something to eat. I haven't eaten all day and neither have you two."

At the mention of food, my stomach growls and I realize just how hungry I am. Rylie stands and walks to her room without saying a word the whole time. I chuckle and get up. I didn't have to get ready, I was fine with just wearing this plain shirt and these jeans. Honestly, I felt too lazy to change anyway.

Gemma disappeared into her room and Will stayed in here with me. I turned on the television in hopes to keep any future small talk out of the question.

"Hey, thanks for saying it was all okay man," Will says over the sports that was playing. I grit my teeth together to keep from making a smart comeback. I don't respond, I just nod and half smile. It wasn't sincere, but I don't feel like it right now. I was just ready to eat.

Ten minutes later, Gemma comes out in some tight dress and high heels. I half smile and try not to laugh as Will looks her over. He obviously was ogling her and all her curves. I didn't make any comments about how he needs to control his looks he is throwing her.

"Rylie are you almost ready?" Gemma calls. She sat down onto the couch when Rylie didn't reply.

I stand and walk toward her room. I knock gently on the door. "It's open," Rylie replies and I open it. She was in a blue dress that showed all of her curves and fit her perfectly. She curled her hair, the way I liked it to be. Sure, I liked it straight, but her big curls were sexier than her straight hair was. She turns and smiles at me. "Hey," she murmurs, putting an earring in her ear. "Can you do me a favor and put this necklace on for me?"

Taking the necklace from her, I begin to put it on my neck. I smirk at her and she puts her hands on her hips.

"Uh, Harry, what are you doing?"

I try to not laugh as I say, "I'm putting the necklace on."

"Put it on me," Rylie mutters. She lifts her hair and I laugh softly as I take the necklace and fasten it onto her neck. She lets her hair fall back onto her neck and turns to me. "So, do you like it?" she asks, her eyes shining.

I look her up and down. This dress wasn't missing any of her curves, that was for sure. She looked beautiful, no that wasn't true, she always looked beautiful. She looked sexy. That was the only word I could describe her.

"The necklace or you?" I finally ask, smirking.

"Me you dummy," Rylie says, hitting my arm playfully.

"Well I don't like it," I say. Rylie's face falls and she looks down at her hands, looking sad. I take her chin and lift her face up. She had her eyes closed so that she didn't have to look at me. "Rylie Brown, look at me right now," I demand. She shakes her head, but I could see a playful smile creeping onto her lips. I sigh and lean forward so my lips were right by her ear.

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