Chapter 32

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Rylie's POV

I waited and waited; then, I waited some more. I called him at least three times before I gave up. Harry wasn't going to answer if he hasn't already. I twiddle my thumbs, and I finally decide to actually call Hunter.

"Hello?" Hunter replies, answering on the second ring.

"Hi Hunter. How are you doing?" I ask lightly. I played with the hem of my shirt in an attempt to occupy my idle hands.

Hunter is silent for a moment. "Great," he answers after an awkward silence creeps in.

I switch my phone to my other ear nervously. "That's...great. Would you like to hang out?" I murmur, chewing on my bottom lip. I needed my mind off of the cautious that was my life.

Another long pause was bestowed on us. I was on the verge on telling him to just forget it when he speaks.

"Of course. Meet me at the café in ten," he answers. I could almost feel the smile from here. I missed this Hunter; the happy one.

I exhale; I felt a giant weight lift off my shoulders. When Hunter suggested that we could be friends again, I had believed him, but I have to admit I was a little scared he might have changed his mind since he had time to sleep on it.

"Bye Hunter, and thanks," I whisper, hanging up quickly. I crawl out of the comforting bed. My muscles ached, but I would live. I tugged on a black shirt over my tank, and I tugged on some skinny jeans. I dragged myself into the bathroom and almost groaned. My hair was tangled; it stuck up everywhere on my head in curls. I brushed through it, but the only result was that my hair poofed up on my head. I forfeit the hair tug-of-war and just pull it into a ponytail. 

Quickly, I dash out of the house before my mom could notice my absence.



I was tempted to leave as soon as I walk in. I forgot about Niall working here, and now my stupidity was catching up to me.

Instead of speaking, I nod to him to offer him some sort of acknowledgement. I slip into a booth and dunk my head.

A squeak sounds; I mentally groan, but hold a smile on my face as Niall slides into the side across from me.

"How are you feeling?" Niall asks, a tiny grin forming on his face.

"Fine," I reply, closing my eyes. I don't mean to be short with Niall, but I was in no mood to discuss my mistakes.

"Are you meeting Harry?" he murmurs, half smiling. This time, I actually groan. Niall gives me a look of disbelief. I cough a little late to try to cover it up.

"No," I flatly say. I was beginning to lose my patience.

"Oh, well he told me he was meeting someone here and I just figured...," he began, trailing. The hurt expression on his face made my attitude change slightly.

Crossing my arms over my chest, I murmur, "I am sorry, Niall. I am just not in a good mood." I offer him an apologetic smile, but by the look he was giving me, he didn't seem to believe it.

"Right. It is fine. What would you like to order?" he asks, getting up. His enthusiastic attitude has long since left.

"Frappe please," I whisper. Niall nods and leaves to make the drink. I rub my temples. A hand gently rubs my back, and I don't even flinch. It could only be Hunter. I glance up and expect to see my dork. Instead, Harry was staring back down at me with his green eyes. I move away from him quickly and narrow my eyes.

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