Chapter 17

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Harry's POV

I really don't understand why Rylie didn't want me to open her gift in front of her parents or in front of her. I wanted to know what she got me and I wanted her to share the moment with me. That was why I came over, so we could spend some time together. Even if her parents would have kicked me out, I would have taken Rylie to my house. I am glad they didn't make me leave, however.

I pulled open the lid and half smiled to myself. Rylie was picking at her fingernails with embarrassment.

"Rylie...what made you get me this?" I ask, raising a brow.

Rylie was hiding her face in her hands. "You said you wanted to learn how to play and I thought it would be easier if you had your own guitar," she murmured.

I grinned and I was literally tempted to kiss her, but I knew her parents felt about me. They might have let me stay here, but that didn't mean they liked me. Instead I put the guitar down gently and I get up and hug her. Rylie was tense in my arms, but she did return the hug.

We pull away when her dad mocks a cough. I half smile at Rylie, but she was flushed all over again.

Gemma stands up and takes her gift that was left unopened. "Harry we should go," she said, looking toward her parents and then nodding toward the door.

"Yea, right. Bye Rylie," I whisper to her. I then nod at her parents, but they didn't look too happy with me. I grab the guitar and head out before I could get Rylie into anymore trouble.

As soon as we were back in the house, Gemma turned on me. "For fucks sake Harry! What the hell was that?!" she screamed.

I rubbed my forehead and squinted my eyes. "Gemma calm down," I mutter. I wasn't in the mood for her criticism.

"Calm down? Calm down! Oh, I'll calm down!"

I was tempted to slap her, but I had to remind myself that she was my sister. I just turn away and head for my room.

"Where are you going Harry. I am not done with you!" she shouts.

I finally turn on her and muttered, "Gemma, she is my girlfriend. I have a right to hug her. Even it is around people who don't like me, I should be able to. If you don't remember, Will's family wasn't very fond of you."

Gemma bites her lip and that is when I knew I crossed the line. She had to work so hard just to gain his family's trust and I just threw that in her face again.

"Gemma, I am sorry."

"No, no Harry you aren't. That's okay. But when your heart is broken, again, don't come to me. I am not helping you this time because of some petty girl," she snaps. She turns and disappears into her room, slamming it behind her.

I knew she wasn't actually calling Rylie petty, but she was trying to throw up the Sara incident in my face. It was my fault that she said it, but it frankly made me mad. I went into my room. Before I knew it, I was trying to play the guitar.

Rylie's POV

When Harry left, everything seemed to blow up in my face. My mom began to cry and my dad went to comfort her. My brother came to my side, ready to defend me.

"Tell us the truth, Rylie, is Harry just a friend?" my mom whispered once she was calm again.

I have lied plenty of times in the last month, but I couldn't seem to do it this time.

"No, he is my boyfriend," I admit, chewing on the bottom of my lip. Colby stiffened beside me and I assumed he knew what was about to come.

My dad spoke first, "Rylie, you have to break up with him, you know that right?"

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