Chapter 4

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Rylie's POV

I basically waited for my mom to come into my room Friday and tell me I was grounded even longer. But she never did because she never found out. I had expected her to find out somehow, but she didn't. She didn't even acknowledge me today. She must be used to me being quiet by now.

My mind swims with replays from last night. I had spent time with Harry and actually thought he would kiss me. I seriously must be crazy. I should know Harry enough by now to know that he wouldn't. He doesn't even look like the type of guy that wants a relationship.

I had all my work finished, because basically all week I was home alone and I was grounded. I has went ahead and finished everything even though I didn't have to.

Harry hadn't texted me since last night. I wouldn't be bothered normally by this, but the fact that we had a pretty awesome night made me want to see him. Wow, I really need to stop.

I look in the mirror. Besides last night, I hadn't even tried to look presentable. My hair looked tangling and my face was makeup free, but tomorrow I would be room free.

Later that night I got a text from Gemma asking if we were still going shopping tomorrow. I texted her back saying we could if she wanted to. I didn't want to cut her off from her other friends. Speaking of other friends, I hadn't spoken to Maddie since the night of the recital. We text here and there but this week has mostly been about Harry.

I decide to call her and lounge out onto my bed.

"Hello?" Maddie asked, probably surprised I even called.

"Hey Mad, I miss you," I say. It was true. We don't hang out as near as much as we should. Actually, before that recital night, we hadn't hung out since the breakup with Hunter.

Maddie seems happier as the conversation goes on. It was nice catching up with her. She even had a boyfriend named Luke. I demanded to meet him. I wanted to make sure he was an okay guy. Maddie doesn't deserve one who will treat her wrong.

We were just talking about my "date" with Harry when I heard something hitting my window. That wasn't normal. I told Maddie to hold on and put my phone of the speaker. "Who is out there?" I say as I open the window. I could barely see outside, since it was now dark, even though it is only about five.

I finally notice the outline of Harry. He seemed to have rocks in his hand. Wasn't that typical.

I told Maddie I had to go before looking out at Harry.

"Hey Remmy, what's up?" He asked as if he wasn't just chunking rocks at my window seconds ago. He walks over and leans forward. He was just as tall as the window, so he basically had to look down to even see me.

I wasn't used to guys hanging out in my backyard, yet I wasn't used to neighbors either. "Well...I actually think you are," I answer.

Harry chuckles and motions for me to move over. He crawls in through the window. He was skinny and all, but it still surprised me that he fit. My window isn't that big. He stands up straight once he is inside and smiles with satisfaction.

"There is a front door for a reason," I tell him, plopping onto my bed. Harry joined me, kicking off his shoes and rolling onto the inside of the bed.

He turned on his side to look at me, a smile on his face. "But Rimmy what would be the fun in that?" he asked, mocking what I think was an American accent.

I try to not laugh as I roll onto my side to face him. "I don't know...Henry," I answer. I didn't want to risk calling him Harold again. I wasn't sure how he would take him.

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