Chapter 41

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Rylie's POV

"Calm down."

I was fidgeting and working Maddie's nerves. Her dark hair was pinned back in a loose ponytail; curls danced down loosely, framing her face. Her hands were delicately fixing my hair into place. She stepped back, admiring her handiwork.

"You look like a fairytale princess," she stated, pulling me into a hug. As she stepped back, she tucked hair behind her ear. "Hunter wants to talk to you," she continued, before handing me a white dress, which she insisted I wear under the graduation gown. With that, she slipped out the room. Minutes later, Hunter pokes his head in. I hadn't moved a muscle.

"Hey, Ry," he greeted and opened his arms out. Despite it all, I fell into his embrace. I missed him, more so than I would have hoped. "It's hard to believe you are graduating. What happened?" he whispered, tucking hair away from my face that Maddie had missed. I dropped my head to stare at my feet. The time had flown.

"I don't know," I admitted as I finally meet his gaze. His hair was cropped short rather than the longer look he had had for a while. I missed him more than I would have imagined. His dark eyes searched mine. I could almost see him getting closer...

"Maple syrup!"

The door burst open to see a happy Marcus staring back at me. His dark hair was growing back, slowly but steadily. He was still in a wheelchair, but he was mobile. That was the only thing keeping me going.

"Get over here," I state, opening up my arms. Marcus launches into my arms and wraps his arms around me. "How are you?"

Pulling away, he grins at me. He had a missing tooth right in the front. It added to the adorable effect. "I am great. Mommy says I am almost as good as new. No more scary tests," he informed me. His eyes were shining happily.

I grin in his direction and help him carefully back into the wheelchair, which he had somehow thrown himself out of when he basically tackled me. "Are you ready for this, Marcus?" I asked, a grin on my face. I wasn't quite sure if I was ready or not.

"I don't know if Marc is, but I know I am," Hunter informed me, coming back to my side. His arms snaked around my waist, and I started having that uncomfortable feeling. This wasn't right, and Hunter should know that. He should know that this would never turn into something. We would never turn into something.

Carefully, I slipped my way out of his arms and turned to face him. "Yeah, yeah, me too. You two should go find a seat. I will be out there soon," I stated before nudging them out the door. Moments later, the door opened once more to reveal a familiar face.

Her hair was cropped short; there was more hair in the front than there was in the back. Her black hair had streaks of blonde here and there. But the most prominent of her features was that there was a piercing on her belly button. "Country girl. Long time, no speak," she muttered, forcing me to make eye contact. When I didn't reply, she crossed her arms over her partially covered stomach. "Why aren't you speaking? I know I was a crappy person, but that doesn't mean you can give me the cold shoulder."

I grit my teeth; she was pressing my buttons. "Why are you here, Chandler?" I grumble.

Chandler arched a perfectly manicured brow. "Don't say I didn't warn you," she muttered, before turning to stalk off. As she paused at the door, she turned again. "She took Kian from me. She is willing to take Curly Sue from you."

With that, she left.


Harry's POV

"Nice to meet you, Sadie. I am Harry," I greet as I chunk the napkin into the trash.

Sadie blushed lightly and dropped her gaze to the floor. "Harry? You sound familiar. Have I heard of you before?" she inquired, tilting her head slightly. She looked almost like a puppy.

I frown; I don't think I have ever met her but Rylie had mentioned a Sadie once. "You are Rylie's friend," I said after a moment, grinning. I knew that I recognized the name somewhere.

At that, the young girl smiled. "Yeah, we went to school together," she agreed as she reached out to straighten my suit. "May I?" she asked, which I answered with a simple nod. She fixed it and stepped back. "Rylie has good taste," she stated, patting my arm.

"I do have damn good taste, and you aren't going to waltz in here and take my man," Rylie said. Her arms were folded over her chest. Her graduation robe hit the floor and her cap was crooked. I could see a peek of a few curls slipping out of the cap.

"I have no idea what you are talking about, Rylie," Sadie replied, scowling at her.

Rylie fixed her with a cold gaze and stepped up so she was in her face. "You know exactly what I am talking about, and don't try to play innocent with me."

I am struggling to find words. Everything is a blur. Rylie was standing before me like a beautiful goddess. I reached out and grabbed her wrist, pulling her away from the girl. "Rylie, baby. It is fine," I whispered before I pressed my lips to hers. She relaxed instantly and wrapped her arms around my neck. She slowly pulled away and looked into my eyes.

"I'm sorry. I just.....I...," she began, but I stopped her.

"Rylie, it's fine. Go graduate."


A few years later

Rylie's POV

"Rylie, stop shaking."

"Where are the bobby pins?"

"Rylie! Chill!"

I finally snap to attention and glance at Gemma, who was poking my scalp with countless bobby pins. "What?"

Gemma rolled her eyes and swerved me around in the spinny chair. She muttered, "You need to chill. You don't want to be sweaty, do you?" She began to powder my face with makeup. "You are way too shaky. You need to calm. Down," she insisted as she lifted my chin to put on the finishing touches. "There," she said with a satisfied smile. "Harry is going to love it."

I stand and smooth out the flowy, white dress. My nerves were shot, and I was attempting to stay calm. "I am not ready, Gemma. I mean," I begin, but trail.

"Don't act like you haven't done this before. You have been Rylie Styles for a while. The ceremony for the contract came a little late," Gemma reassured as she pulled me in for a tight hug. "Now go."

( A/N:: I know it has been a while, but I lost muse for this story. I worked on the last few chapters, and they weren't that great. I don't want to publish things that I am not proud of. But I believe this story needed it's closer. It is the longest running story that I have, and I believe I should provide the ending everyone wants. I hope you enjoy the last two chapters of this story. There is actually a spinoff that I have been working on, and I am beyond excited for you guys to see it. Good day! )

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