Chapter 24

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Rylie's POV

My nerves were overreacting; I was shaking nervously as the plane rose into the air. The last time I was in a plane, I fainted. I chewed on my bottom lip to distract me. When Harry told me about the trip, I was too enthused about seeing Gemma. I didn't consider the consequences of getting on a plane. My spur of the moment excitement has disappeared along with the circulation in my hand.

"Rylie?" Harry's soft voice whispers. "Rylie please calm down. I need my hand love."

I smile sheepishly and let go of his hand. He instantly begins to rub it back to life. I flex my sore hand and bite the inside of my cheek. We were airborne by now.

Harry places a comforting hand on my back. "Stay calm love. Everything will be fine," he whispers gently, kissing my cheek. I smile at him, putting on my acting face. No matter how frightened I was, I would stay optimistic for Harry. Everything was for Harry.

All I remember is waking up to Harry prodding me. I don't remember falling asleep, or basically falling into Harry's lap. Yet, when I woke up, I was draped over Harry's lap and my hair was sticking up everywhere.

"Look outside love," Harry murmurs. I slowly turn, rubbing my eyes. Outside, I saw a beautiful town scattered with buildings. Everything was so tiny. The town almost looked like a doll house town that I would play with as a child. A grin slid onto my face. My nervous nature forgotten.

"Wow, is this...?"

Harry nods, obviously knowing what I was going to ask. I turn to look back out the window. Everything was so new and exciting. I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture. I sent it to Derek and Sadie.

"This is great. Thank you Harry," I whisper, wrapping my arms around him. I pressed my cheek against his chest.

"Don't thank me. You need to thank Gemma. She gave me the tickets," Harry replies, kissing my forehead.

"Everyone stay seated, please. We are about to land. Thank you," the pilot said over the intercom.

By the time the plane had landed, I was bouncing in my seat. I couldn't wait to see Gemma again. I had so much to tell her. There are some things you just can't say over skype.

Harry placed a gentle hand on my shoulder to calm me. I reached up into the bag compartments and grabbed my suitcases. Harry, unlike me, was still seated. His smirk almost made me roll my eyes. Sometimes he was so judge mental.

"Rylie are you in a hurry?" Harry asks, chuckling. It was irritating having to wait for him. He hadn't moved and people were piling out quickly. I didn't want to be stuck on this plane longer than I was forced to. Besides, I wanted to see my closest friend.

Harry's evil grin urged my impatience. I tugged the remaining bags down and pushed Harry into the line. I followed in behind him. To annoy me, Harry continued on as slow as a slug. I nudge him with my shoulder, taunting him into moving faster. He eventually caved and went at a faster pace, relieving my urges to knee him.

Once we were on solid ground, my tense body relaxed tremendously. I can't even comprehend how nervous I am on those contraptions.

Struggling with the suit cases, I turned to Harry for guidance. It was his turn to take the lead. I had no clue where to go from here. Harry grabbed his phone out of his pocket and dialed a number. I took this opportunity to check out my surroundings. A girl, who just slipped while she was getting out of the plane, made a dramatic scream. She was one of those beach blondes with too much makeup and short, tight skirts. I huff; I don't particularly enjoy people who crave attention. Harry, however, had just hung up and went over to help her up.

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