Chapter 21

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Harry's POV

I felt bad for lying to Rylie. Actually it was more than a fib than a lie. I was playing tomorrow for a job opportunity, but it wasn't at the coffee shop. I didn't mention the fact it was at a bar, because I knew Rylie wouldn't approve. She already seemed jealous enough as it was. If I mentioned I was playing at a bar were there were possibilities of girls hitting on me, she would probably freak. Not even Gemma knows about the real job offer I accepted and she even helped me find a job.

Rylie was sound asleep, her long hair tousled on one side. Even when she was sleeping she was beautiful. I lied my head on my pillow and tried to sleep. Yet, I continued to dwell on this stupid guilt. I stood and grabbed the guitar. The strings were now fixed miraculously. I was better at it than I ever thought I would be. Rylie wasn't only an amazing teacher, but she also had great tactics as well.

I strummed gently, silently praying Rylie wouldn't wake from her slumber. I doubted she would anyway. It took a alarm clock and two phone alarms to even get her half awake. So I wasn't too worried about waking her.

I hummed a few lines of the song she taught me, trying to get the tune just right. I wasn't comfortable with singing when it came to Rylie. I didn't think I was good enough to even let her hear me sing. I had just learned the guitar, for crying out loud.

I played a few more chords before I heard soft groan. Rylie was rubbing her eyes and yawning softly. She slowly pulled herself us and looked to me in the dim lightly. Her hair was sticking up on one side, which only made her even more adorable.

"What are you playing?" she asks, yawning and getting up. She sat down beside me on the floor and grins. I pulled her closer, keeping an arm around her waist.

"The song you taught me. I am sorry I woke you love," I apologize.

Rylie shrugs and rests her head on my shoulder. "It's okay. It is almost time for me to get ready anyway," she answers, shrugging.

"Really? What time is it?" I ask, confused. I haven't been playing the guitar that long, have I?

"Five-thirty," she answers, rubbing her temples. "At least I had a cute boyfriend to wake up to," she adds, kissing my nose. She then stood and went to the door. "I am getting a shower."

I chuckle and stand as well, heading into the kitchen. Gemma was hunched over the counter with a steaming cup of coffee in her hands. She looked just as exhausted as I was.

"Harry," Gemma greets me, avoiding my gaze.

"Hey Gemma, nice to see you cheerful this morning," I mutter, rubbing my eyes. The lack of sleep was beginning to way it's wages on me.

Gemma shrugs and sips at her coffee. She doesn't nearly look as perky as she usually does in the mornings. I couldn't help but blame it on her for getting pregnant.

"Can you do me a favor Harry?"

"What is it?" I ask warily.

"Can you help me pack, I am moving back to England to live with Will. We have already rented a flat. I even have extra tickets if you want to come with Ry. I figured you two would want to see England," Gemma explains, blinking her tired eyes.

"I don't know Ge, Rylie just started school again and I just got a job. We could possibly save the tickets for around Spring Break, right?" I ask. I had to admit, seeing England again did sound appealing. I missed it more and more each day.

Gemma shrugged and pulled the two tickets out of the bag. "They expire in March, so you might just make the deadline if you save them," she answers. "So will you help me pack, please?"

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