Chapter 3

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When He Invites You Over

Your POV

You arrived at your house with Amanda and your mom said okay to have Amanda in your room having a sleepover.

10:30 pm

Amanda hopped over the bed and said, "Hey (Y/N), how do you feel about Jason?" She smirked and you blushed.

"" You stutter. "I-I have f- feelings for him, slightly."
You explained, continued to blush. "Every time I remember his handsome face I feel...complete. I feel...protected." You confessed a little.

Time skip~

9:30 am

You woke up on your bed, drooling. Ew! Your phone rings, and didn't know who it was, but you answered it.

"Hello," You asked the caller.

"Um, (Y/N)? Is that you?" A familiar voice answered.

"J- Jason?!" You screamed.

"(Y/N), who is that?" Amanda asked and let out a yawn. You covered your phone to prevent Jason to hear you

"It's JASON, dammit!" You whisper - yelled at her.

"C'mon, let me talk to him!"

"No!" You shout at Amanda.

"Please..." She begged you but you refused.

"NO!" You shrieked at her, almost made her deaf.

"Um (Y/N), can you set your phone to speaker mode?" Jason interrupted.

"Eh-" -_- DAMMIT! Because of Amanda. "Um, okay then." You tapped the speaker icon and you're able to hear him loud and clear.

"Um Jason, we can hear you now." We both listen of what Jason will say.

"Uh (Y/N), can I invite you to my house later?" He invited his HOUSE?! You and Amanda were deadly silent, and she smirked at me.

"(Y/N)! You should go to a Serial Killer's house. That should be fun!" Amanda joked at you, and feeling creep out by something.

"Amanda, that is not funny." You tell her, sarcastically. "By the way Jason, is your house creepy?" Your question made him laugh, and you forgot to ask about that.

"No, not really. Actually, I'm watching Netflix right now." WOW. A Serial Killer watching Netflix, really?

"Um sure."

"Good. Meet me at the entrance at the Forest, 11:00 am. Sharp."

"Okay, thank you for the invitation." You thanked him for inviting you to his not-so-creepy house.

"I'll see you then, love." And...he hung up the phone, and you realised that he mentioned the word "love", making you and Amanda squeal loudly.

Time skip~

You arrived at the entrance of the forest and you saw Jason leaning against a big tree and walked towards him. "Hi." He looked at your direction. You're wearing a (F/C) Blazer with (F/C) outline, and a (F/C) dress with white outline, and a pair of (color) and (color) Converse shoes.

"Hey, Jason." You repeated, but he didn't answer. "Jason." You waved your hand in front of his face. Jason shook his head,

"Oh. (Y/N) hi." You look at him, you notice that his mouth was saliva sliding down to his chin, you laugh at this. You point your finger to his mouth, "Hey, you're drooling." He looks down his chin and gasped, quickly rubbed it off with his hands.

Jason POV

"Man, she's beautiful. The way she flicks her (H/L) hair, the way she smiles at me, the way she looks at me. Oh my god! I'm gonna drool!" And I started drooling, all I can hear (Y/N) saying was: "Blah. Blah. Blah. Blah. Blah." In a flirty tone, and I realise that (Y/N) was saying was, "Hey, you're drooling." What? I'm drooling? I looked down to my chin. Yes, I was drooling, drooling because of her beauty.

"S- Sorry." I looked away and blushed deeply at her reaction. "So, do you want to visit my house?"

"Um, sure. Why not?" I blushed quickly because were doing the "Holding Hands While Walking" mode.

Time skip~

20 minutes later

Your POV

"Here we are! Welcome to my humble abode, (Y/N)." You looked amazed because his mansion is AMAZING! As you approached his mansion, he opened the door for you and said,

"After you," he gestured his hand and you walked in. Your eyes shone brighter because of the chandelier hanging from the ceiling. You glanced at the paintings, the walls, the curtains, the doors, and the windows. It looks like a mansion to you, but it is a mansion.

"I can't believe it! Jason, is this your house- I mean, mansion?" You stutter and he simply replied.

"Yeah, I used to live here and I stopped killing people since I first laid my eyes on you." Your eyes widen and blushed deeper and you noticed that Jason was on the Sofa sitting like a gentleman.

"Are you just gonna stand there? Come on, sit here." He lightly pat the Sofa and you sat there...

Awkward silence...

"So um, can you tour me to your mansion?" You asked him. Blushing.

"Sure. But first, I can tour you to my room." What?! His room?! You've got to be kidding me!

"Okay, if you say so." You followed him to his room, you didn't notice that you're doing the "Holding Hands While Walking" mode.

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