Chapter One: One Thing

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I've almost finished writing this story on, so I decided to upload here. I'll be posting each chapter here as I finish editing it. I'm trying to edit it with out completely re-writing it, which I've found difficult. I'm sticking with a PG-13 rating just to be on the safe side. The video on the side will always match the chapter title, which are my favourite songs, (at the moment).

Read and Enjoy!


The Golden Trio made their way through the crowded Hogwarts halls. It was the first day of seventh year, and Hermione was very excited. The class she was heading to was a new one, called Family Planning. Hermione didn’t have a single clue on what the class was about, it hadn’t been mentioned in any Hogwarts letters, so she assumed that everything would be revealed in class. Once she had reached the classroom, she breezed inside and sat front and centre, took out her quill and a piece of parchment, and waited for the professor to start the class.

It was another minute before every student had filed into the room and taken their seats. The professor scanned the room to make sure everyone was seated, and then promptly began the class the moment that the chattering stopped. 

“Hello, and welcome to Family Planning. This is a new course that I hope that you will all enjoy. My name is Julia Millane, but you will be calling me Professor Millane.” the blonde professor announced.

The new professor had long, dirty blonde hair and intense brown eyes, and was quite tall; she looked around 5”11.

“You are all probably wondering what this class is about,” She paused to observe the classes expressions, many shook their heads eagerly while some looked like the rather be anywhere than there.

“In this class you will have to basically be a family. I will assign partners randomly, and all of you will be moving to your own houses, which will be assigned to each couple based on their grades,” Many students looked confused at this, so she elaborated on the houses tidbit.

“For example, if one person has high marks and the other has low marks, they will get an average sized home, but also if someone has low marks but actively take part in any of the schools clubs I will consider upgrading you to the average range.” After Professor Millane finished talking about houses she continued on from where she left off.

“These houses will be located in a building outside the castle; the building is charmed to look like a neighbourhood once you walk inside. You will also have children.” She paused yet again to look at the students shocked faces.

“Don’t worry,” she added, chuckling lightly, “they are not real children, they were created magically by Professor Dumbledore especially for this class, but they will have the features of you and your partner and will act like real children. They will appear in your homes as soon as you open the door. Lastly, the children will be your responsibility until January, and then they will disappear.”

The Professor finished her speech and got out a sheet of parchment which had the list of couples on it.

“I hope that I’m not with a Slytherin.” Hermione whispered to Harry and Ron as the Professors back was turned.

“Me too.” Both boys whispered back.

 “Longbottom –Abbot,” Neville and Hannah went and sat together with happy smiles on their faces.

The teacher kept calling out names with reactions similar to Hannah and Neville except a good few had scowls on their faces instead of smiles.

“Finnigan – Bell,”

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