Chapter Twenty-Four: A Drop in the Ocean

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“Today’s the day we age the kids up to eleven years old!” Professor Millane said excitedly.

“Wow, really, we never would have guessed,” Draco muttered.

The professor had refused to stop talking about the age up, everyone was thankful that the day was here.

The professor ignored Draco, and began calling children up for aging. The aging process was exactly the same as last time they had aged.

James looked the same as always, just slightly taller. Same hair, same eyes, same playful demeanour. When he saw Lea he immediately blushed, which caused a newly aged Lea to do the same.

Draco glared at him, Hermione and Pansy laughed, and Harry smiled. Jake sent his best friend a look that clearly said, ‘I don’t care if you’re my best mate, you hurt my sister, you answer to me and my fists.’ James gulped and looked away.

Lea’s platinum blonde hair tumbled down past her shoulders, her hair had straightened a little, leaving her hair in loose, natural curls that framed her delicate face. Her grey eyes shined with fierce determination, and her lips were curled into the signature Malfoy smirk.

Jake was a copy of his father at his age, minus the sneer. His hair wasn’t gelled thankfully, but his eyes were still a steely silver grey. He sat beside his sister protectively, daring a guy to even look at her. No one did.

Ron and Padma’s daughter, Alicia, sat on the other side of Lea. Her straight black hair was in a high pony tail, and her blue eyes shined with a thirst for knowledge, definitely something she had gotten from her mother’s side. She and Lea were giggling at something. Hermione smiled at them, it was good for Lea to have another girl to talk to.

“Potter, keep your son away from my daughter,” Draco said darkly.

Harry laughed, “Back to last names now, Malfoy?”

“We will be if your son gets even an inch closer to my daughter,” Draco said back stubbornly.

Harry laughed again. Draco’s scowl got even bigger.

“Dad, calm down,” Lea said, annoyed.

“Attention class!” Professor Millane announced. Everyone quieted down, “Tonight, in the Great Hall, we will have a Sorting Ceremony for the children, there are Hogwarts robes waiting for them in your homes, please wear these to dinner tonight,”

Excited chatter broke out immediately after the professor finished her announcement.

“I definitely want to be in Gryffindor!” James exclaimed.

“I don’t know which house I want to be in, either Slytherin or Gryffindor, but I’m not sure.” Jake sighed.

“Don’t worry mate, it doesn’t matter which house you’re in, they’re both great houses,”

“I know,”

“Hey guys!” Damien shouted.

“Hey,” both boys responded.

“I want to be in Slytherin, what about you?”

“Gryffindor,” James said.

“I don’t know,” Jake said.

“The Sorting Hat will only put you in a house you truly want, not one you hate,”

A few feet away, Lea was talking to Alicia.

“Alicia, which house do you want to be in?” Lea asked.

“Ravenclaw or Gryffindor, I wouldn’t mind being in either one.” Alicia responded. “What about you?”

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