Chapter Twelve: Safe and Sound

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I got this out today as promised! Another chapter should be up either tomorrow, or Thursday, since I have a trip on Wednesday that won't be arriving back from until around eleven PM. That should be fun. :D 



It was Friday night, about ten o’ clock in the night, and Hermione and Draco were sitting in their living room, looking at a muggle television that the professor had assigned them to use for a muggle studies project.

They were watching the movie Titanic. Hermione had said if Draco wanted to look at the television he would look at the movie. Draco didn’t get why though. It was just about two muggles who had some sort of forbidden romance thing, and then all of a sudden the giant ship they were on sinks and a lot of the people on the ship, including the guy, dies. All he knew is that Hermione could not stop bawling her eyes out.

“It-its s-so sad!” she blubbered, dabbing her eyes.

“T-they l-loved ea-each o-other! T-then h-he l-lets g-g-go! It i-isn’t f-fair!” Hermione cried, she was now leaning into Draco’s side crying into her hands.

“It’s okay?” Draco said, he was kind of freaked with the whole ‘girl is crying her heart out, what should I do?’ situation.

“I-I’m okay now...” Hermione said, dabbing her eyes again.

“So, are we done watching movies?” Draco said hopefully, glancing at the stairs.

“No! We are going to watch A Walk to Remember! Then we’ll watch The Notebook!” Hermione said, quite excited with her choices.

If only poor Draco had known what he was being dragged into, he could have avoided hours filled with a tearful Hermione and sad love stories.


“MOMMY! DADDY!” Hermione heard the twins’ scream from the hall, she was sure Draco could hear too.

Hermione ran out of the room, thankfully dressed for the day ahead, Draco was already there dressed in his own robes, looking tired.

“JAMES IS COMING OVER!!!”The twins screamed again, excitedly.

Hermione sighed; she desperately wanted to forget about that, James plus Jake plus Lea equalled huge trouble. She would probably need to have at the very least three days of rest after this baby sitting job.

“Well, since James is coming over, why don’t we have breakfast first?” Hermione asked, in hope to calm the kids down. It didn’t work.

“Yes! I’m hungry! I want muggle cheerio’s!” were among the screams shouted by the twins as they raced each other down the stairs, towards the kitchen.

Hermione sighed, she glanced at Draco, judging by the look on his face she knew he was thinking that exact same thing that she was, that it was going to be a very, very long day.


“Hi!” Pansy greeted, she was at the Malfoy residence with Harry, dropping James off for the day.

“Hi guys!” Hermione said, hugging Harry and Pansy briefly.

The group exchanged small talk for a minute or two before Harry interrupted, saying that they should leave to catch a carriage to Hogsmeade.

“We should go now.” Harry said, glancing at his watch.

“Okay,” Pansy replied, and headed to the door, before they left she turned and looked at Hermione and Draco and whispered “you guys are in for it.” before walking outside with Harry.

The second the door closed a loud shout was heard from the twins’ playroom. Hermione and Draco looked at each other; they were so in for it.


“NATALYA EVELYN MALFOY!” Draco shouted angrily.

Draco was currently hanging by one foot from the ceiling, his hair was a bright, bubblegum pink colour, and, his face was covered in boils, much like Pansy’s had been the previous week.


Hermione’s situation was similar to Draco’s, except her hair had turned into purple snakes, and bright colours of paint had been squirted all over her, other than that she was in the exact same situation as Draco. To say she mad was a complete understatement.

Draco heard giggling to the side of him; sitting on one of the child’s broomstick that he had gotten the twins, was Natalya. Draco’s face started turning red, very similar to Ron’s hair colour, it seemed like the Malfoy temper was about to come out.

Lea, seeing that her father was very angry, decided that instead of finishing off the ‘mission’ that she should run, well, technically fly away.

On the other hand, Jake and James had finished their part of the mission, and had retreated to the twins’ room to wait for Lea.

“Sorry! Sorry, sorry, sorry!” Lea said the moment she flew into the room.

James and Jacob were trying to play a game of child’s wizard chess, the key word being trying.

“Sorry about what?” James and Jake asked quizzically.

“I didn’t get to spray Daddy with paint!” Lea cried.

James and Jake looked disappointed, it would have been incredibly funny to use a camera and ask Uncle George to send in something to post pictures of this prank all over the school!

“It’s okay! We still got Aunty Hermione!” James said, before erupting into laughter. Jake was doing the same thing beside him.

Downstairs, Draco and Hermione were screaming very loudly, but, sadly for them, the only people that could hear them was the Mini Marauder’s, and they were definitely not going to help them.


“This is really nice Harry!” Pansy exclaimed as they walked through the streets of Hogsmeade.

They were having an amazing time. Firstly, they had gone to Honeydukes and stocked up on candy for the next month, and then Harry insisted on running into a quidditch shop for an hour, Pansy then dragged him from clothing store, to clothing store as payback for staying in the quidditch store so long. Finally, after a long day of shopping, they retreated to the Three Broomsticks to eat, and then head back to Hogwarts.

“It too quiet.” Harry said, taking a sip from his butterbeer.  

“It is, I wonder how Hermione and Draco are holding up with those three.” Pansy replied, eating her steak.

“I don’t want to know. Their probably hanging upside down right now!” Harry exclaimed, laughing

Pansy laughed along with him, recalling her experience babysitting the trouble makers.

If only they knew. If only. 

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