Chapter Twenty-Nine

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“Welcome to your first Charms Lesson,” Professor Flitwick said joyfully. “Today, we will be learning the spell, Wingardium Leviosa, which is the hover charm,”

“This looks fun,” Jake muttered. Lea promptly elbowed him in the ribs.

“You will use the feather that is in front of you to practice on. Remember to swish the wand, and then flick it, now, begin!” Flitwick explained, before returning to his desk.

“Wingarshium Leviosa,” Jake cried out, but the spell didn’t work.

“Idiot, it’s Wingardium, not Wingarshium!” Becca said to Jake.

Jake scowled at her, and pronounced clearly this time, “Wingardium Leviosa!”

The feather floated up a few feet, then floated back down to the table, under Jake’s command.

“That is so cool,” Jake said, awed.

“It’s magic,” Lea said sarcastically, after she completed the task.

Jake scowled at her, and Lea smiled back, faking it of course.  Ah, the love twins shared with each other.

“How the hell did you two do that so quickly? My feather won’t levitate even a centimetre!” Damien exclaimed grumpily.

“We just did,” Jake shrugged his shoulders.

Damien turned away, and continued saying the incantation, with no luck on his behalf. Alicia had already accomplished the feat, and continued to practice it. After several attempts, Becca had accomplished it. James had successfully cast the spell on his first try, leaving Lea annoyed that she hadn’t completed the task first.

The rest of the class was spent practicing the charm. After Charms ended, they headed towards the Transfiguration classroom.

Professor McGonagall introduced herself quickly, and then started the lesson.

“Today you will be changing a match into a needle, you must focus your energy on doing this,” she said, and then demonstrated what she wished her students to do.

James, Lea, and Jake finished it immediately. Becca didn’t complete the task at all. Damien accomplished it by the end of the class. Alicia kept trying, but like Becca, was unable to complete the task.

“I hate Transfiguration.” Becca growled, as they made their way down to the dungeons for Potions.

“It isn’t that bad,” Damien said.

“Only because you somewhat understand it!” Becca said moodily.

“I think it’s particularly easy,” James shrugged.

“I agree with James,” Lea said.

“You guys only like it because you’re bloody geniuses at it!” Becca exclaimed as she stepped into the cold classroom.

Snape glared at the students as they walked into the room. He could see Potter Jr., and his godson’s children. 

“Today we will be studying the theory of the Boil Cure Potion, and tomorrow we shall brew it,” Snape said, frostily.

Over the time period he was allotted, Snape bored the students to death with the theory of one of the easiest potions known. In fact, Mariana Thomas fell asleep, only to wake up moments later to an angry Snape, and a detention slip.

“I hate Potions, you think being the kids of his godson would help, but no, he seems to hate us!” Lea complained to Jake as they walked to Great Hall for lunch.

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