Chapter Thirty-Two

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“Damn it! We forgot to owl Narcissa!” Hermione said shrilly, later that evening.

Draco looked up from the Charms book that he’d been reading for class, “You can owl her now then,”

Hermione was already writing quickly on a piece of parchment that she had hurriedly retrieved from the study. “Dear Narcissa,” she murmured. After five minutes of writing, Hermione held the letter up and smiled, “Perfect,” she murmured. “Draco, come read it!”

Sighing, Draco walked over to Hermione, and took the piece of parchment out of her outstretched fingers. He read the neat handwriting carefully, which looked like this:


Dear Narcissa,

The rumours were true! Draco and I signed off to keep the twins in class today, so there ours forever! They’ll be kept as teenagers for the rest of the year, after the final age up. After graduation, they’ll be de-aged, so that they’ll be newborns again. What a joy that will be. We’ll be living at the Manor after school ends, according to Draco. I was wondering if you could give us some tips to handle newborns, because besides the week or so that we had at the beginning of the year, we know nothing about newborns.

Love Always,

Draco and Hermione


“Love always?” Draco smirked.

“It felt right to write, was she going to get a letter from her son that said sincerely?” Hermione replied, as she tied a piece of ribbon around the letter.

Hermione walked to the study, where her owl, Athena, was perched on the window ledge. “Take this to Narcissa Malfoy please,” Hermione murmured at the bird, which hooted, and flew away.

“What is with us, and naming our owls after Greek Gods?” Draco asked playfully from the doorway.

“It isn’t my fault you named your owl Zeus,” Hermione shrugged.

“Both of my owls are named after something in Greek mythology. My other owl’s name is Hercules,” Draco responded. “My Mother’s are named after Roman Gods; her two owl’s names are Venus and Mercury.”  

“What’s the point of two owls?”

“I don’t know, Lucius,” Draco scowled at the name, “insisted on two owls per person.”

Hermione nodded. “What are you going to do after school? I mean, sure, you have enough money to last a couple lifetimes, but isn’t there something you want to do?”

“I would like to be in Law Enforcement, a Hit Wizard, to be exact. My family has always been on the Dark side, if I become an Hit Wizard, it mark the start of a new era for the Malfoy’s, since we’ll finally be doing something on the good side of the law, the right side.”

Hermione ran the job quickly through her brain, a Hit Wizard, or Witch in a few cases, was basically the magical equivalent to a sniper. “That’s a pretty dangerous job,”

“It is, what about you though, what do you want to be?” Draco asked.

“I want to start my own business; a law firm. The Ministry lawyers are basically no help, and there aren’t any successful law firms in Wizarding Britain, so this will be completely new. If this is successful, the Ministry will have to work a lot harder to prove people guilty,” Hermione responded.

Draco whistled, “That’s some big dreams,”

“I know it is; there’s a law academy in Wizarding America, the only one in the Wizarding World, so I’ll study there. It’s only a year long program, and since I have an International Apparation license, I wouldn’t have to move,” Hermione smiled. “I’ll probably enrol next year though, after the kids are older. I probably won’t open the company itself until I'm twenty.”

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