Chapter Eleven: My Love is Your Love

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I hope you guys enjoy this! I've got five fans now, which is awesome! I'd love it if you guys could vote for every chapter; I upload faster with more votes! What are you're feelings about Whitney Houston's death? I just looked at the funeral, and I thought it was beautiful; I loved it. 



It was finally Saturday, the day of the Hogsmeade visit. Hermione was extremely excited for the visit; a whole evening that didn’t involve any fights over toys, or pranking.

But, while she was happy over the trip she was also nervous. She didn’t know what she would do if she suddenly got an owl from Pansy saying that Jake or Lea were hurt. She was probably overreacting, every mother involved in the project was like this, stressing over every little thing.

“Hermione!” Draco called from the kitchen, interrupting her thoughts.

“It’s time to drop Jake and Lea off at Harry and Pansy’s!” He called again, walking down the long hallway hand in hand with Lea and Jake.

“Okay!” Hermione said, loudly so Draco could hear her.

Draco reached Hermione at the entrance to their home, and from there, they headed to the Potter’s. After knocking on the door, a frazzled Pansy answered the door, James clinging to her leg screaming at the top of his lungs “PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE!” to his mother. Harry was a few steps behind them.

“Sorry ‘bout that.” Harry said after they had entered, looking annoyed at James’ behaviour.

James suddenly stopped screaming when he noticed Lea and Jake; instead, he unlatched himself from his mother’s leg and ran up the stairs to his room, closely followed by Lea and Jake.

“Well, we better go now.” Hermione said after a minute or two of instructions to Harry and Pansy.

“We’ll be fine!” Pansy assured her as she and Draco walked out of the door.

Draco looking calm and collected, while Hermione looked like she just wanted to run inside, grab her kids and go home. A few minutes later Hermione and Draco were on a carriage, one their way to Hogsmeade for the first time of the year.


 “This is so beautiful...” Hermione said, she was staring out at the trees, the radiant colours of the leaves shining in the daylight.

“It is.” Draco agreed, nodding his head.

“I already feel nervous for leaving them with Harry and Pansy,” Hermione said, wringing her hands.

“I wouldn’t worry about the kids; I would worry about Harry and Pansy’s sanity.” Draco said, already wondering how Harry and Pansy were taking three, over excited, mischievous five year olds.


“JAMES SIRIUS POTTER!” Pansy bellowed, chasing after James, Lea and Jake.

The Mini Marauders had pulled a prank a few moments ago that involved a few of the Weasley twins wizarding joke products. Advanced stuff for five year olds.

After another few minutes of chasing after the hyper kids, Pansy gave up and sat down on the coach with her head in her hands, muttering something along the lines of ‘I’m going to kill George Weasley for supplying my kid with his bloody prank supplies.’

“What’s going on?” Harry said, yawning, he had decided to take a nap, leaving the Mini Marauders with the perfect chance to prank Pansy.

Harry saw Pansy and immediately started laughing, her hair looked like strings and was magenta, there were also boils covering her face. Pansy didn’t bother getting up to yell at him for laughing at her, she was too tired after chasing a bunch of five year olds with endless sources of energy.

Harry decided to put Pansy out of her misery and whispered a quick charm that removed the boils, and muttered another one that got her hair back to its original dark, chestnut brown colour. After Harry went and searched for the mischief makers, allowing Pansy a-very short-nap.


 “This spaghetti is really good!” Hermione said to Draco.

They were sitting in a small, Italian restaurant that Draco had suggested they go to, to end the visit to Hogsmeade.

“It’s one of the best that I’ve eaten.” Draco agreed, eating some of his own spaghetti.

“Where did you find this place? It’s way off the main street.” Hermione asked, glancing at Draco.

“Blaise.  He was going on and on about some witch he met on vacation in Greece, not worrying about where he was heading, and somehow we found ourselves here, so Blaise insisted we go in and eat since he was so hungry.” Draco finished, taking a sip of his butterbeer.

“Wow, I thought it would be something more normal, like, ‘my mother brought me here’” Hermione said, laughing.

“That chocolate we got from Honeydukes was really good.” Hermione said, twirling her spaghetti on her fork.

“Nothing beats muggle chocolate.” Draco said, eating the last meatball on his plate.

“I never thought that I would live to see the day when you like something muggle.” Hermione giggled.

“The war changed me.” Draco said simply.

“How?” Hermione asked curiously.

“After my father was killed while in Azkaban, I switched sides for the final battle, you know that, but everything that happened made me review my life, it made me think about everything I’ve done, so the summer after the battle I traveled to muggle places, trying new things, and enjoying most of it. “ Draco said, looking Hermione straight in the eyes.

“Well, I enjoyed everywhere except those bloody awful theme parks, I didn’t get the rides that were supposedly ‘flying’, the bloody things were attached to metal poles!” Draco said, looking quite serious.

Hermione laughed at him, she would have to take him back to the theme park he went to and explain how everything worked.

After that conversation, Hermione and Draco finished up their dinner quickly and paid the bill, before exiting the restaurant and heading back to the carriages. Sometime during the walk there, Draco’s hand found Hermione’s.

Hermione turned to Draco, a small smile on her face, she enjoyed his company a lot, and today she saw a side to him that she enjoyed.

When they reached the carriages, they spotted Blaise and Parvati heading towards them, when they reached the couple Blaise opened his mouth to speak.

“Draco, you want to come sit with me on the way back? Parvati said she wants to talk to Hermione.” Blaise said with a faint smirk on playing on his lips.

“Okay...” Draco said, confused.

But, before he followed Blaise he brushed his lips against Hermione’s cheek, leaving the young woman standing there, feeling shocked and confused.

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