Chapter Forty-One

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"I can't believe that in six months, they'll be babies again." Hermione murmured.

They were snuggled on the couch in the study. They had originally gone in the room to study for upcoming exams, but they ended up in their current position in less than thirty minutes.

"Which means that it will be impossible to sleep for more than four hours," Draco said, running his fingers through her hair.

"That's the part I'm least looking forward too, but, I love them nonetheless."

"I do too."

"Jake was telling me that Lea and James have been spending a lot of time together, now that their dating,"

Draco immediately tensed, "Please don't start going on about our daughter's love life; it pains me enough to know that she's actually dating, I don't need you to start going on about how cute they are together."

"Fine then, let's talk about Jake. Apparently he has a crush on Becca,"

"How do you know this?"

"Pansy told me after she overheard him telling Jake."

"That's great, now Theo has a legit excuse to kill me."

"He won't kill you, it's just a crush! They go away like that," she snapped her fingers, "didn't you have crushes when you were younger?"

Draco smiled cheekily at her, "Only you,"

Hermione laughed, "You're cheesier than I would have thought."

Draco chuckled, and brushed his lips against hers teasingly. "I love you."

"I love you too." Hermione breathed as she attacked his lips with her own.

The kiss was rougher than the ones they usually shared, Hermione's mouth widened almost immediately, and Draco took no time in thrusting his tongue into her warm mouth. Hermione turned towards him and wrapped her arms around his neck, letting her fingers play with the ends of his blond hair as Draco disconnected their mouths, and started trailing open-mouthed kisses down her neck. She moaned softly as he sucked on her pressure point and he was only encouraged by her deepening moans, and moved his lips to her collar bone. He didn't stop when he heard the door creak open.

"Hey, Mum, do you think you cou-" Lea stopped talking when she raised her head from the sheet of parchment she was looking at.

Her mouth formed an 'O' when she took in her parents current positions, and the bright red blush that was creeping up her mother's face.

Coming to her senses, Lea quickly slapped her hands over her eyes, and with a slight squeal, bolted out of the room, leaving Hermione and Draco in her wake.

Lea ran up the stairs, and into her brother's room. She spotted Jake lying on his bed, looking at a quidditch game on his Christmas present. He was munching on a giant replenishing bag of chocolate frogs, and had a bowl of popcorn next to him.

"Jake!" Lea exclaimed.

"What? It's the Cannon's verse Falcon's, and it's funny seeing how badly Chudley's getting beaten." Jake replied, staring at the holographic image.

"I just saw the most disturbing thing ever!" She plopped herself down next to her brother, "I walked in on Mum and Dad making out. I'm scarred for life. Do you think that you can perform a memory charm on me or something?"

"First of all, what on earth possessed you to walk in without knocking while they were in the study? We both know that studying doesn't happen down there. Secondly, You're the smart one, I don't know the memory spell, and even if I did know how to do it, I wouldn't."

"Damn. Do you think that I could bribe one of the seventh years to do it?"

"You're not going to do that, because James and I will send out a message saying that if anyone does, we'll kill them."

"It's a memory charm, not the killing curse."

"Do you realise how messed up people can get if memory charms aren't performed right? They lose every single memory; it's like a baby in a teenager's body."

"Fine. I won't do it. I'm staying in here, and watching this game with you though; I can't believe you didn't tell me that it's on!"

"Good. I didn't feel like."

Lea sighed, and rolled onto her stomach, facing the device, and grabbed a handful of popcorn from the bowl. She knew that she could always count on her brother to knock some sense into her. Always.


All of Hermione and Draco's friends had managed to convince their children to go to the park for a picnic lunch. Damien, at first, had expressed his distaste for going to the park, saying that he had better things to do. Parvati had quickly pulled him aside, and after a few sharp words, Damien had returned with a smile plastered to his face, and said that going to the park was the best thing he could possibly do, and he would absolutely love to go. The other teenagers had readily agreed after hearing about their friend.

In the late afternoon, they all arrived in the park. Lea, Jake, and James were already there, fooling around on their brooms as they waited for their parents, and friends to arrive.

"Lea! Jake! James! Get down here! We're going to eat!" Draco yelled at them from the ground

By then, pieces of parchment had already been transfigured into an extra long picnic bench, and food squashed onto every empty space on it. It looked like the End-of-Year feast, except outdoors, and less formal.

The moment Jake and James saw the food, there was no stopping them. They grabbed two plates, each, and piled food onto it, and then proceeded to inhale their food. Lea and Becca stared at them in disgust as they did so; they didn't know that it was humanly possible to eat that much food at a time.

Everyone chattered happily as they ate their food, and finally, once they had all finished, Jake and James decided to start a quidditch game, which everyone who played joined in on, except a few of the parents.

As Hermione and Draco looked as their children, they turned to each other and smiled.

"I love you," Hermione whispered, staring into Draco's gray eyes.

"I love you too, Hermione, so much." Draco said, leaning in to kiss her.

When their lips met, they were certain of one thing; they were the happiest people on earth at that moment, and nothing could change that.

The End

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