Chapter Seventeen: Curiosity

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This story has hit 1000 reads! YAY! Love you guys! Sorry I haven't updated lately; I got grounded. I still am, actually, I only got my laptop for a couple hours since I'm at my grandparents house. LOL. Follow me on twitter: @musicluva4eva . 



“Who’s ready for Hogsmeade?” Hermione asked, as the young family sat in a carriage heading towards the small village.

“We are!” Lea and Jake exclaimed, bouncing up and down in their seats.

“What do you two want to do there?” Draco asked, staring into the colourful trees.

This question caused the twins to start talking. A lot. One would start a sentence and the other would finish it; it was bloody annoying for Hermione and Draco.

“First, we’re going to-” Lea started, glancing at Jake.

“-Buy candy from Honeydukes!” Jake said, glancing back at Lea.

“Then we’re going to-”Jake continued, gazing at his parents.

“-Visit Uncle George and Uncle Fred!” Lea said, finishing this time instead of starting.

The twins went on like that, listing what seemed to be every store in Hogsmeade. They insisted on going to the Hogsmeade branch of Quality Quidditch Supplies, and a few other candy shops.  Hermione and Draco looked at each other and sighed, it was going to be a long day. A very long day indeed.


“HONEYDUKES TIME!!” Lea and Jake shouted simultaneously, running ahead of Hermione and Draco, and right through the front doors of the candy store.

Draco and Hermione ran a couple steps, before stopping in front of the large front doors.

“Ladies first.” Draco said, opening the door, and gesturing for her to go through.

Hermione giggled as she stepped through the door, and into every candy lover’s oasis.

‘Did I just giggle?’ Hermione thought, blushing slightly as she walked up to where the kids were standing beside an everlasting flavour bubblegum machine.

Draco walked up beside them, and wrapped his arms around Hermione’s shoulders loosely.

“Okay, you each get five galleons to spend at Honeydukes, use it wisely.” Draco said, handing each of the kids a pouch filled with single galleon coins.

The pouch was charmed to only allow a certain number of coins to be spent at a store.

“Thanks Daddy!” they both shouted, before running down the imported chocolate aisle, looking for Belgian chocolate bunnies.

“If they decide to buy all their chocolate from the imported section, they’ll use up all the money we gave them in a snap!” Draco exclaimed, snapping his fingers.

Hermione laughed and leaned into his shoulder, instinctively breathing his familiar scent.

She closed her eyes at the comforting smell of mint toothpaste and chocolate chips. She wondered how he ended up smelling like chocolate, maybe he had a secret obsession...or maybe it was because they were standing in a candy store, smack dab in the center of one of the stores fine chocolates aisle.

“Want to get some every flavour beans?” Draco asked, already walking over to appropriate aisle.

Hermione snapped out of her daze and followed him quickly, attempting to hide her blush. Draco picked up a hundred bean pack, along with ten packs of single chocolate frogs.

“’You want anything else?” Draco asked, glancing Hermione’s way.

“No thanks, Draco. It’s already ten thirty, do you think we should head to the joke shop, Merlin knows how long we might spend there.” Hermione answered, nodding her head in the general direction of the joke shop.

“Your right, we probably should. Let’s get Lea and Jake and hope they’re ready to leave.” Draco agreed.

As Hermione and Draco searched the store, Lea and Jake stood at the cashiers, trying to convince the new cashier that the price of chocolate frogs was a single sickle, not one sickle and three knuts. The cashier was very confused; she had started a new job at Honeydukes only two days ago, and was almost completely sure that the price of a single chocolate was one sickle and three knuts, but these children were quite convincing, not to mention incredibly adorable.

“Ms. Cashier Lady, I have to tell you that the price of chocolate frogs is what I said. Not what you said.” Lea said, in her best professional voice.

“My sister is right Ma’am,” Jake agreed.

The cashier was frozen in place. She had not a bloody clue on what to do.

And that was how Hermione and Draco found them. Two seven year old children arguing with a twenty five year old woman.  It was an amusing sight to Hermione, Draco, on the other hand, looked shocked.

“Two Malfoy’s are bargaining over the price of chocolate frogs.” Draco said, disappointedly.

“Just because they have access to millions, or god forbid, billions of galleons, does not mean they have to use it.”  Hermione said, annoyed.

“Actually, the current value of the Malfoy family is 2.2 billion galleons, and since my mother is the last Black that hasn’t been disowned, another 1.3 billion is added to the Malfoy fortune from my mother’s inheritance.” Draco said, remembering the amount his father had told before he had been killed.

“Are you bloody kidding me!? That amount would qualify you as one of the richest families in the entire, bloody muggle world!” Hermione said, extremely shocked with the amount of money.

“We can talk about how much money my families worth later; can’t we not get our kids and get the hell out of here?” Draco said, agitated.

Both Malfoy children had already finished their shopping by the time their parents finished discussing the Malfoy family’s wealth. They had successfully gotten each of the five chocolate frogs for a single sickle each. This had given them enough money to purchase the rest of their items, and both had finished all five galleons.

“Mum, Dad, ready to the joke shop?” Lea asked brightly.

“Sure.” Draco answered, emotionlessly.

The twins looked at him weirdly, but shrugged and ran out of the store, straight towards Weasely’s Wizarding Wheezes.

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