Chapter Twenty-One: Kiss You Inside Out

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The unpredicted thing that happened was the door opening and Pansy walking in with Hermione’s cloak.

“Hermione, you forgot your clo-” Pansy began when she stepped inside the younger Malfoy Household. When she saw the position that Hermione and Draco were in, she froze in her steps, shocked.

Hermione looked at Pansy annoyed; honestly, Pansy had the worst timing ever!

“Uh, I’ll leave now,” Pansy said, she dropped Hermione’s cloak on the sitting room chair and ran out of the house.

Hermione and Draco shuffled a few feet away from each other, not looking at each other at all. Lea came bouncing down the stairs a few moments later.

“Did I just hear Aunty Pansy’s voice just now?” Lea asked, oblivious to the awkwardness between her parents.

“Yes, she just came to drop my cloak off sweetie,” Hermione replied.

“Oh, okay. Can you help me get a book from my shelf? It’s too high for me,” Lea asked her mother.

 Hermione jumped of the chance to get out of the room. You could cut the tension in the air with a knife. She and Lea walked up the stairs quickly, leaving Draco standing alone.

‘What the hell was I thinking? I almost kissed Draco! I can’t like him!’ Hermione thought as she held her daughters hand.

They walked silently to Lea’s lavender coloured room. There was a large shelf on one side of the room that held many books, the titles ranged from, Quidditch through the Ages, to The Tales of Beadle Bard. Hermione reached up to the top shelf and grabbed the book Lea had pointed to. It was called, How to annoy your siblings, Hermione sent a look to Lea as she handed it to her.

“Joke Shop,” Lea said, answering her mother’s silent question.

“Wait ‘till they have kids of their own, then they’ll learn,” Hermione muttered under her breath,

“I’m going to go check on Jake sweetie, okay?” Hermione told Lea, but she had already climbed up to the space above her washroom.

Hermione walked towards her son’s room, he was sitting on his muggle laptop, listening to a muggle song called Look at Me Now, it seemed like he was talking to James on MSN.

When Hermione heard the lyrics to the song, her eyes bugged out, she did not want her eight year old son listening to this!

“Jacob! What are you listening to?” Hermione said angrily, her arms crossed.

“Uh, James told me to listen to it!” he knew he was in trouble since his mother called him by his full name.

“You’re seriously going to blame this on James?” Hermione said, tapping her foot on the ground impatiently.


Hermione shook her head. “Just change the song Jacob and I don’t want to hear you listening to it again!” she said sternly, walking over to the computer, “What about this one?” she asked pressing a random song title.

“And I was like, Baby, Baby, Baby, Ohhh!!

Like, Baby, Baby, Baby, Nooo!!

Like, Baby, Baby, Baby, Ohhh!!!

Thought you’d always be mine, mine!

Baby, Baby, Baby, Ohhh!!

Like, Baby, Baby, Baby, Nooo!!

Like, Baby, Baby, Baby, Ohhh!!!

Thought you’d always be mine, mine!”

“AHH! My ears!” Jake screamed once he heard the song.

Hermione hurriedly pressed the pause button and looked at Jake with a concerned look on her face, “Jake! Are you okay?” Hermione asked.

“No! That horrible excuse for a song!” Jake shouted still holding his ears.

“Why do you have it then?” Hermione asked, confused.

“I don’t know! It’s...” Jake replied.

“James fault?” Hermione completed his sentence, frowning.

“No, it’s the internet’s fault! And YouTube’s fault!” Jake said, quickly changing the song to a clean version of Black and Yellow.

Hermione shook her head and walked out of the room. Taking a deep breath, she walked downstairs, towards the kitchen, pleased to find that Draco was nowhere in her line of vision.  She quietly grabbed a box of rainbow chip cookies, and ran upstairs to her room. She snuggled into a comfy reading chair and settled down to read the newest edition of Hogwarts: A History.

Draco was walking towards his best mate, Blaise’s home. He and Blaise hadn’t talked much in the past few weeks, and Draco quickly decided that now was a good time to go talk to him.

He made his way down to the Dumbledore Lane. From there he quickly found house number twenty three, and knocked on the door. Parvati answered the door in an apron, when Draco looked at her quizzically she said, “Damien wanted to learn how to bake cookies,”

She let Draco in and told him that Blaise was in his study.

“It’s over there,” she informed him, pointing a door, before going back to the kitchen.

Taking a deep breath, he walked towards the door and opened it. Blaise was sitting at the desk, writing and essay.

“Come in,” he said sarcastically.

Ignoring his sarcasm, Draco sat down on one of the seats in front of the desk.

Looking straight into Blaise’s eyes, he said the thing he had been holding in, “I think I’m falling in love with Hermione.”

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