Chapter Twenty-One: One More Night

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This story has suddenly gotten a lot of traffic, and I'm really confused why, but I'm not complaining! I'm having a minor breakdown because I think I skipped a chapter because in my files this chapter is marked as chapter twenty two yet here it's marked as chapter twenty one so yea.....oh just checked it back I MARKED CHAPTER NINETEEN AS CHAPTER TWENTY I'M SUCH AN IDIOT OH MY GOD. Okay then. 



“Mate, was it just me or did you just say that you think your falling in love with Hermione?” Blaise asked, surprised.

Draco nodded his head, in total, he looked quite confused.

“You think or you know?” Blaise asked.

“I don’t know!” Draco exclaimed.

“You come here, while I’m in the middle of a Potion’s essay, and might I add that I’m close to failing Potions,  that counts for fifteen percent of my final mark, to tell that you’re not sure if you’re falling in love with Hermione or not?” Blaise asked, somewhat annoyed.


“Fine. Tell me what you love about her,” Blaise said, crossing his arms.

“The way she so attentive to the kids, and how she purses her lips when she annoyed, and-” Draco was interrupted by Blaise’s laughter.

“I’m sorry, but you sound struck! You do not sound like the guy I’ve known since I was in diapers,” Blaise laughed.

Draco scowled at him, he was pouring his heart out to his supposed best friend and all he could do was laugh?

“Sometimes I wonder why I’m friends with you,” Draco muttered.

“I’ve got to finish up this essay, but I thought you’d want to know something, Theo heard Professor Millane talking to Dumbledore about having us keep the kids at the end of the year if we wanted to, but she’d have to change them back to newborns,” Blaise said with his hands folded on the desk.

Draco looked emotionless; anything he was feeling could not be seen on his face.

“Thanks Blaise,” Draco said, and left the house without another word.

As Draco walked back to the house, millions of thoughts ran through his head. If what Blaise had heard was right, what would he and Hermione do? Would they keep the kids, or let them go? Draco couldn’t imagine letting them go, they played too much of a significant part of his life now.

He reached the house shortly, and took a deep breath before stepping inside. It was silent inside, which was unusual for this Malfoy household.

“Jake! Lea! Hermione! I’m home!” Draco said loudly.

“We’re up here!” three simultaneous shouts came from the upper level.

Draco walked upstairs and checked on the kids first. Jake was on something called a laptop, and Lea was reading a book. When he reached Hermione’s room, he knocked before entering.

“Hey,” he murmured.

“Hi,” Hermione replied, not looking up from her book, “Where were you?”

“Blaise’s; we hadn’t talked in a while and thought that it would be a good time to,” he lied smoothly.

“’Kay,” she nodded, and sent him a smile.

Draco smiled back, “Blaise told me something when I was there,”

“Oh, what was that?”

“Theo had told him that he heard Millane was thinking of letting us keep the kids after the project ends, but she’d have to de age the kids so that they were newborns again,” Draco said quietly.

“Really?” Hermione asked, shocked.

“This is just what Nott heard, so nothing set in stone probably,” Draco said.

Hermione started crying, when she saw Draco’s face she said, “They’re happy tears, Draco. I don’t know what I’d do without them now that I have them,” Hermione cried happily.

Draco nodded, “So if that’s an option, we’ll take it?” Draco asked.

“Why we wouldn’t we?” Hermione asked, wiping her tears away.

“I just wasn’t sure what you wanted,” Draco said.

“Well, I want to keep them; it’s the only option I can think of. This project’s going to be over in what, two months? And I’m not going to let them go then” Hermione said, nodding her head.

Draco nodded, and left the room. The rest of the day went smoothly, and the next day, Professor Millane made an announcement.

“The next age up is soon, so before that happens, we’ll like for them to meet your family. Pick one of your families to visit, and you’ll see them tomorrow, on Saturday. Your family knows about this project already, so you won’t have to explain,” The professor said happily before excusing the class.

The first thing Hermione said when they got out of the class was, “We’ll visit your mother,”

Draco knew better than to argue with her; when Hermione had her mind set to something she did whatever she thought necessary to get it.

“I’ll pack some things when we get home,” Hermione said.

“What’s the point?” Draco asked.

“We’re going to the Manor for the entire day, the kids might get board, and I’m just going to pack Jake’s laptop and Lea’s iPod.”


“It’s a popular muggle machine that plays music, and the iPod touch can store eBooks and games,”

Draco still looked confused, but Hermione didn’t bother explaining further, it was better to just let him figure it out.

The couple made their way back to the house, where they were met by a very excited Lea and Jake.

“Are going to visit Gamma at the Manor?” they asked excitedly.

“Gamma? Don’t you mean Grandmother?” Draco asked.

 “No, it’s Gamma, that’s what we call her Daddy,” Lea said.

“I never thought I’d hear my mother be referred to as ‘Gamma’, I called my grandmother, Grandmother Clarisse and nothing else, ever,” Draco muttered.

Hermione laughed, having heard Draco’s comment. “I guess you’ll just have to get used to it,”

“Lea, Jake, go get your Laptops and iPods for tomorrow, you’ll need something to do when we’re talking to Gamma,” Hermione said.

“Okay!” they replied before running inside.

Hermione and Draco walked inside, wondering and worrying about the next day.

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