Chapter Five: Night in Paris

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I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. It's very short; most of the chapters in the first ten or so chapters are. 



Many days had passed since the incident at Harry’s, and it was time for the second session of Family Planning.

The family’s entered the class, with heavy bags under their eyes and holding babies who were too busy sleeping to notice anything. Professor Millane smiled at the class as they shuffled into their respective seats beside they’re partner.

“Hello everyone!” The professor greeted cheerfully, walking to the front of the classroom from her desk, everyone just stared at her with sleepy eyes, in fact Ronald Weasley had seemed to have already fallen asleep.

She sent a simple Ennervate spell on Ron to wake him, and continued on with the lesson.

“Due to the fact that most of you have not been performing to the best of you ability your classes, Professor Dumbledore suggested that I speed up the aging process of your children.” Millane started, the entire class perked up at the thought of receiving more sleep.

“During this class I will age your children to the age of five years old, which will be very energy consuming, but you will get more rest than you would with newborns.” She paused before starting again, “Every month after that your children will be aged by two years so by the end of the project you will have an eleven year old child, or children in Mr. Malfoy and Ms. Granger’s case.” The professor finished, looking directly at Draco and Hermione.

Much of the class looked happy but the ones who had little brothers and sisters looked even more tired at the thought of numerous five year olds.

“Okay, let’s begin.” Professor Millane began, and called a family’s name off her list.

“Zabini’s!” She stated loudly, gesturing for the family to come to the front.

Blaise and Parvati came to the front; Parvati holding Damien protectively against her chest. The professor, poured a potion down Damien’s throat and murmured a spell under her breath as she tapped her wand against Damien’s head twice, suddenly the child began to grow until he was the size of a toddler. The moment the process was done Damien shot up, his jade green eyes wide with excitement; he jumped out of his mother’s arms and ran in circles around the classroom, screaming “Hi!” to every person in the room, until he reached his parents and jumped into his father’s arms happily screaming.

“I love you daddy and mummy!!!” all the girls awed at the scene before them.

The professor sent the excited family back to their desk, where Blaise and Parvati attempted to calm down Damien without any luck.

Professor Millane went through her list every child taking a little less than five minutes, and producing close to the same results, except some kids were much less hyper.

Pansy and Harry were called only four names after Blaise and Parvati and James now looked even more like Harry than the group originally thought; James ran around the classroom pulling all the other kids hair. It was official. James Sirius Potter would be just like his namesakes; mischievous, good-looking and most definitely a Marauder.      

Near the end of the class the professor called Hermione and Draco to the front of the class, she repeated the process for them and few moments later Hermione was holding a beautiful toddler, Natalya now had curly platinum blonde hair which fell three inches under her shoulders and her grey-blue eyes were now a striking grey.

When Hermione set her down, she just stood there waiting for her father to let her twin brother down to play with.

Draco slowly let down Jacob taking in his features, all that Jacob could be explained as was a mini Draco. Same high cheekbones, straight light blonde hair and grey eyes. When Jacob’s feet touched the ground he screamed, “TAG, YOUR IT!” to Natalya and ran like his life depended, they chased each other around the classroom until every kid was playing.

Draco just stood there smiling happily at his children, happy like they were enjoying a real childhood filled with loving parents, fun and games and the most important part, freedom. Draco knew that his own childhood had been nothing like this. His own filled with harsh words, dismissive parents and Voldemort; it also included the Malfoy no showing emotion rule, which meant whenever he was a child and cried, his father only punished him and if his mother tried to help his father punished her too.

“Class dismissed!” Professor Millane announced and left the classroom, leaving the family’s with a room full a hyper toddlers.

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