Chapter Fifteen: Everything About You

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I am in such a GREAT mood! Even though I have a huge English project due tomorrow that I've barely started. :D Anyways, I had to rewrite the last chapter of a book for an assignment, and my teacher read it, and pulled me aside, and told me he really enjoyed mines, and that I had talent. You guys have NO IDEA how excited thatmakes me! So anyways, here's chapter fifteen! I really like it when you vote, seriously, sometimes I think I like votes more than comments! :D

Vote. Comment. Fan. Enjoy!

“Mom!” Lea shouted from her room.  

“I’m downstairs!” Hermione shouted from the kitchen, where she was chopping a watermelon to put into a fruit salad.

“Can you come upstairs please?” Lea asked loudly.  

“Coming,” Hermione sighed, putting down the large knife that she was using.  

Hermione jogged up the stairs, walking to Lea’s room, which was only two doors away from her own room.  

“Yes, sweetie?” Hermione said, glancing at Lea.  

“Can we change the paint colour in my room?” Lea asked, glancing around her bubble-gum pink room.  

“Now?” Hermione asked, sighing.  

“Now!” Lea said loudly, a small frown appearing on her lips.  

“I want it to be...purple!” Lea exclaimed, bouncing up and down on her bed.  

Sighing yet again, Hermione whipped out her wand and muttered a spell, changing the rooms colour. She glancing around the room and decided to change the furniture too. She whispered another spell, all the furniture changed to a bright white, and the bedding changed colours too, matching the wall in its base colour, and deep purple was the accent colour.  

Once Lea saw it, she gasped at the beauty of the room.  

“I love it Mommy!” she squealed, running to hug Hermione.  

Hermione smiled at her actions, and immediately hugged Lea back; she placed a kiss on her daughter’s cheek, and then returned to the cooking she had been doing before. While Hermione chopped a head of lettuce, she thought about how the day had progressed after the aging process.  

As soon as they reached home, Draco had taken the twins outside to teach them the basics of quidditch. Harry came over when he heard what Draco was doing, and Blaise came with Damien as well. After an hour of learning, the so called ‘men’ got involved in an argument about the quidditch teams, yet again, the boys stayed there to listen to their father’s argue and Lea decided to go and read a children’s book on quidditch, since she refused to listen to her father and uncles argue about the teams, and claimed she could learn more reading about it than listening to the ‘idiotic fools’ argue. Hermione let get away with the name calling, as she completely agreed with her daughter.    

Before the argument started though, Hermione had transferred all of Lea’s belongings to another room, since she was older now.  

She had redecorated Jake’s room too; changing the colour from the pale yellow to a pastel green on one wall and a shade of gray that perfectly matched his eyes was magically painted onto another wall. Hermione had decided that the complementary colours would a pale blue and a shade of green that was a few tones brighter than the wall colour. She added a bed, and beside the bed she placed a small, square night table; and a bookshelf on the other side. She had added two shelves above the bed. She inserted a large, tall dresser and a desk with a shelf above it beside it.  

She had left the room contently, but that smile had fallen from her face as soon as she heard the shouts outside; she had sighed, shaking her head, and thought ‘were the ignorant fools ever going to realize that quidditch was just a game, not a cause for arguments and fights?’  


“Dear Merlin, my head is absolutely killing me!” Draco exclaimed later that night.  

The reason? He, Harry and Blaise decided to get into a fight about quidditch. Again.  Hermione was silently laughing over his exclamation, for many reasons.  

“Why are you laughing?” Draco asked, holding his throbbing head in his hands.  

“I’m laughing because you, Blaise and Harry are absolute, bloody idiots! This second fight you guys have gotten into over quidditch! You could have avoided the painful headache you’re having by not getting into the fight!” Hermione ranted.  

Draco groaned, and lifted his head to retort, but was interrupted by a voice. He felt like he usually did after a night of drinking, except it was the evening, and not the morning.  

“Mom? Dad? Are you guys still downstairs?” Lea asked from the top of the staircase, dressed in her red pyjamas.  

“Yes,” Hermione replied, “your father has a nasty headache from a fight earlier.”  

Lea walked down the stairs and to the couch where her parents were sitting, she reached her father and through her arms around him in a big hug, Draco was shocked for a moment but returned it quickly. Hermione looked at the scene in front of her with tears in her eyes, she heard shuffling feet behind a before she knew it, Hermione was enfolded in a hug.  

The only words she heard were “GROUP HUG!” before she broke down laughing.  

It was Jake. Only him and James could take a sweet moment and turn it into a funny one. A few minutes later, the entire family fell asleep, with their arms still around each other.

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