Chapter Thirteen: Is Anybody Out There?

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Thank you all for reading! It means a lot! Is anybody else so happy that One Direction won Best Single at the Brits? I am! I was screaming the entire time, I was so happy! I love them. Simple. :D They're probably the reason I haven't updated, cause I spend my days looking at their insane video diaries. Anyways, I'm updating early because I have an extra long trip tomorrow that I won't be arriving back from until late in the night. 



“Hello! We’re back to pick up Jam- AGGHHHH!!!” Pansy screamed, she had just saw Hermione hanging from the ceiling, not even bothering to try to get out of her position.

“What the hell happened to you?” Pansy exclaimed while Harry whispered a charm to release Hermione from her current position.

Thanks to a charm, Hermione landed in an upright position, after sitting down for a few moments to let blood start flowing properly again, she answered Pansy.

“First, go help Draco.” Hermione commanded tiredly, glancing to kitchen where Draco was currently hanging upside down.

Harry’s eyes widened in realization, if Hermione was hanging in the front hall, then Draco was probably hanging somewhere else too. After realizing that, he ran to the kitchen and repeated the same procedure that he had done on Hermione on Draco. They both returned to the hall to talk with Pansy and Hermione.

“So, once again, who the hell did this to you!” Pansy screeched.

“Guess who,” Draco muttered, rubbing his head.

“The kids?” Harry guessed.

Draco glanced up at him; the look on his face answered Harry’s question. Pansy groaned, then sat down next to Hermione and buried her head in her hands, looking up a few moments later; she glanced at Hermione, hoping that she had an idea of what to do as punishment.  While the girls did that, Harry called the kids downstairs, the twins’ had the famous Malfoy smirk plastered on their faces, while James had an innocent grin on his face.

“Sit down.” Harry commanded, hoping to scare the kids a little bit. It didn’t work.

“What’s wrong Daddy?” James asked innocently, after they had taken a seat on a leather couch.

“First,” Harry started, ignoring James’s question “You all have to promise to tell the truth, or else whatever punishment you get will be doubled, okay?” Harry asked them, his emerald eyes staring at them intensely, and the looks on the kid’s faces faltered the tiniest bit.

“We promise.” they all chorused, somewhat quietly.

“Okay then,” Harry started, he glanced around the room, all the teenagers were staring intently at the five year olds.

“Did you, or did you not, pull pranks on Aunty Hermione and Uncle Draco while Aunt Pansy and I were at Hogsmeade?” Harry asked them in a serious tone.

“W-well, we might of-” James started, but Lea interrupted.

“Alright, fine, we did it!” Lea burst out, with tears streaming her face.

Harry looked at them, surprised that they gave up so easily.

“Me and Jake were in charge of doing Aunt Hermione’s prank, and Lea did Uncle Draco.” James said, giving up.

“You guys know it wasn’t right to do those pranks, right?” Harry asked, stooping down to their level.

“We know.” The kids said, looking at the ground, ashamed.

“You guys get no television and no chocolate for a week, okay” Harry said.

“Okay.” the trio sighed.

The twins retreated to their rooms and Hermione followed to get them ready for bed, after giving a one armed hug to Harry and Pansy.

James went and sat in Pansy’s lap, his head resting on her chest. Pansy ran her hands through his chocolate brown curls aimlessly, her eyes studying her son’s face intently for a few moments, before Harry suggested they leave to get James into bed, since it was already past nine.

“We should get going, James looks pretty tired right now.” Harry said, pulling his cloak on.

“Okay.” Pansy said, standing up with James still in her arms, since it appeared that he was sleeping.

“Bye Draco.” Harry said tiredly, throwing a cloak over Pansy’s shoulders and stepping outside, into the night.

“Bye.” Pansy mumbled, following Harry out.

Once Draco had locked the door behind them, he went upstairs to his bedroom, changing into his pyjamas, and went back downstairs to make a cup of tea for himself. When he reached the kitchen, he surprised to see Hermione sitting there with a cup of tea for herself and another one beside her for Draco.

“How did you know I was coming down?” Draco asked, gulping some of his tea down.

“Just had a feeling,” Hermione said, smiling, with her hands wrapped around her cup.

“I have one question. Do you know how the hell the kids got all those prank supplies?” Draco exclaimed.

“Probably from my room. George sends me packages a prank supplies all the time and I just leave them in my room. Also, since this project started, George insisted on sending more supplies, for some stupid reason.” Hermione answered, taking a sip from her tea.

“You left a bunch of pranking supplies in plain sight?” Draco asked, mocking shock.

“I didn’t think that they would go into my room, dig through my dresser, and find the pranking stuff in the bottom of the drawer” Hermione exclaimed, throwing her hands up.

“Okay, Okay!” Draco laughed, throwing his own hands up, as if he was surrendering.

Hermione glanced at the clock while taking a final gulp from her tea cup; she was shocked to see that it was well past ten o clock.

“I better go to bed now, I have McGonagall in the morning, and she can be a pain in the arse sometimes!” Hermione exclaimed, while placing her cup into the sink and casting a washing charm on it.

“Ha-freakin’ ha.” Draco mumbled, suddenly tired.

 “Night.” Hermione smiled, she was extremely tired as well, hanging from a ceiling for a couple of hours wasn’t all that comfortable.

“G’night” Draco murmured, already halfway up the stairs. 

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