Chapter Ten: The Motto

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Here's another update! Sorry it took so long; report cards came, and I got 75 in Math, so my parents were too happy, and I was grounded. Anyone watch the Grammy's? I loved Adele, and Nicki Minaj was possesed during her performance. Whitney Houston dying is so sad; her music is incredible.  Tell me your thoughts in the comments section! 



Hermione sighed; it had been a long, stressful day so far. Between paying attention in class and taking care of Jacob she had barely any energy left in her body, she felt surprised that she could even get to the last class, Family Planning.

Apparently, Professor Millane had called another class for today, so, Hermione trudged to the other side of the castle holding Jake’s hand tightly. Once she had reached the classroom, Hermione sat in her assigned seat at the back of the classroom while Jake ran off to talk to Lea and James.

A moment later, Draco came and sat down in the chair beside her, he looked as exhausted as Hermione did. James, Lea and Jake sat down, talking to Pansy and Harry, who both looked surprisingly well rested.

“You know what happened when we woke up this morning?” Lea asked the Potter’s.

“No.” Pansy, James and Harry replied, looking slightly confused.

“We went to our daddy’s room this morning and guess what we found!” Jake said, glancing at Lea.

“A Firebolt?” James asked, looking at his father with a look that said ‘I want one!’

“No... My mommy and daddy in the same bed and daddy was hugging mommy!” Lea said in an excited whisper.

Pansy and Harry’s mouth’s dropped open in shock; James was still staring at his father with the same look.

“But, when mommy woke up, daddy wouldn’t let go of her so we had to scream in daddy’s ear to wake him up!” Jake and Lea whispered together.

Pansy and Harry finally got their mouths to close, and then the both just stared at Hermione and Draco with indescribable looks on both of their faces. At that moment, Professor Millane decided to walk in.

“Hello class!” she greeted warmly, smiling at her class.

“Hello Professor!” the class chorused, by now Jake and Lea had returned to their spots beside their parents.

“Today I will be giving you all an assignment to complete,” She said, standing in front of the class

There were moans and groans from around the class, the most audible one coming from Ron.

“It isn’t that difficult, so if you all quiet down I’ll explain it to you.” the professor said patiently, when the class quieted down she continued.

“All you need to do is pair up with another family, and on this Saturday coming up, one of the families will give their child to the other and will be free to go to Hogsmeade for the day. The other family will babysit. The same procedure will be done again next week, on Saturday again.  Any questions?” Professor Millane said, with a small smile on her face.

Parvati raised her hand. She was clutching Damien close to her; most of the other mother’s were doing that too.

“What’s the point of this?” Parvati asked after Professor Millane had picked her.

“The point is for you to become less attached to your children, since you are all quite attached at the moment.” Professor Millane said, glancing at all the kids in the room.

All the young parents in the room looked sad, remembering that they would have to stop being attached to their children due to the fact that their kids were going to disappear in early January to mark the end of the Family Planning class.

“ may leave after you’ve gotten into partners!” the Professor said as cheerfully as she could muster with all the sad looks around her.

Draco and Hermione partnered up with Harry and Pansy, Ron and Padma decided to become partners with Blaise and Parvati within a minute.

The class had filed out of the classroom within minutes, most heading towards the neighbourhood, Draco and Hermione reached there within minutes, instead of going home they decided to head over to Harry and Pansy’s.

 When they reached the familiar home they did what they normally did. They headed to the kitchen while the kids went to James’ room to plan a prank against Ron.

“Sooo...” Pansy started awkwardly, she desperately wanted to ask couple about what the twins had said but didn’t know how to ask.

“Umm... you see... the twins said something about you two... sleeping in the same bed... and we kind of wanted to know if it was true?” Harry asked this as a question instead of a statement, all while scratching the back of his head.

Draco and Hermione both started to blush a bright red colour that was similar to the typical Weasley hair colour. Harry and Pansy sat there expectantly.

“We were just talking, and I fell asleep in his room by accident!” Hermione said, defending herself.

Once Hermione said that Pansy and Harry visibly relaxed, Hermione knew exactly what they had originally thought and just wanted to clear the confusion up. The tension disappeared and before long it was nearing ten o’clock, well passed the kid’s bedtime.

“Jake, Lea, get down here we’re leaving now!”  Draco shouted up the staircase, shrugging on his cloak at the same time.

Jake, Lea and James came down the stairs with mischievous looks on all their faces, immediately, the parents knew something was up.

“What did you guys do this time?” Draco groaned, grabbing his kids hands to put their coats on

“Nothing.” The mini-marauders replied, putting innocent looks on their faces which Draco immediately fell for. For a Slytherin, Draco was extremely soft.

Hermione and Draco put coats on Lea and Jake, and after a long goodbye, the small family disappeared into the night

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