Chapter Sixteen: I Should've Kissed You

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“Spell ‘described’” Hermione commanded Jake.

They were sitting in the playroom that Hermione had designed for them a few days beforehand. Hermione had insisted that they have one hour lessons each day, since wizarding children started school at the age of eleven.

“D-E-S-C-R-I-B-E-D!” Jake spelled proudly, barely struggling.

“Good job!” Hermione exclaimed, happily.

“What about ‘important’?” she asked.

“Mum, I don’t wanna do this!”Jake whined.

Hermione looked shocked for a moment, as Jake usually sat through entire lessons, and had once asked for more, but let him go anyways. She knew exactly where he was going. The quidditch fields, obviously.

Ever since Draco had bought Jake and Lea brooms the day before, they had barely left the indoor quidditch fields that had been built in the neighbourhood the week before. Lea was showing potential as a seeker according to Draco, and Jake as a Chaser.

All Hermione seemed to hear at dinner was ‘Mum! You should have seen me on my broom today!’ or ‘I almost caught the snitch!’ It was interesting hearing about their day, though she hoped that they would try to concentrate on their studies more.

Since she Jake wasn’t there anymore, Hermione decided to catch up on some studying she hadn’t been to do while she was looking after the kids. Hermione walked downstairs and slipped into the study. She pulled out her N.E.W.T. level Transfiguration textbook from her bag, and began reading a chapter on animagus.

As she read, her thoughts slipped to Draco. He was nothing like the snobby, pureblood obsessed bastard she had met during her first year at Hogwarts. Now, he was sweet and caring, and always seemed to have a smile on his face, and not the sneer that she had grown used to over the past seven years. They had a strong friendship currently, and were able to just give each other hugs on occaision.

The war had changed him. It was well known that Lucius Malfoy had been killed in the Final Battle, only a few minutes in. Once he had been killed, Narcissa and Draco had been free from the heartless bastard’s wrath, and they immediately switched to the light side. Narcissa had been the one to kill her sister, Bellatrix, and Draco had fended off Rodolphus from reaching Voldemort until ultimately killing him by casting a body binding curse and Sectumsempra multiple times. It was a torturous way to kill someone, but Lestrange had deserved it. After all, he had murdered numerous muggles and muggleborns in cold blood.

When Voldemort had been pronounced dead, Narcissa had begun crying in happiness, and Draco hugged his mother tightly, Hermione was sure she had seen a few tears slip out of his eyes and down his face.

Hermione quickly turned her thoughts away from the Final Battle, it had been a dark time for the wizarding world, but once the moment magical folk heard of Voldemort being killed, celebrations had broken out across the country, and the parties didn’t stop for at least a week.

Pushing her transfiguration textbook, Hermione pulled out a clean sheet of parchment, and dipped her quill into her ink bottle and began writing out a list of things she and Draco needed to pick up on their next trip to Hogsmeade. She knew it would be a difficult trip to make since this time they had to bring the twins along with them, as the class required.

She listed down thirty feet of parchment, eight quills, six bottles of black ink, and four bottles of red and blue ink for her and Draco. She put aside that list, and wrote one for herself; making sure to include Kit Kats. She had an obsession for the muggle candy, and the only place she could find it was at a small store tucked into a corner and the end of one of Hogsmeade’s less traveled streets. The store only sold muggle candy.

Hermione glanced at the clock and noticed how late it was; she quickly decided to go down to the quidditch pitch to find Draco and the twins.

Pulling on her cloak, she stepped outside into the mild October evening. She walked to the quidditch pitch quickly, and as she arrived, she heard laughter in the distance. As she got closer she saw Draco flying at top speed on his broom, leaving bursts of colour in the sky, which seemed to be forming Lea and Jake’s names. The twins were hovering a foot off the ground staring at their names in awe. Hermione walked up to them, and kissed the tops of both of their heads. Her kids smiled at her briefly, before turning back to look at their father.

Draco flew down a few moments later, a smile on his face. He gave Hermione a quick hug, and then turned to the kids.

“Ready to go?” Draco asked, stepping onto the ground and grasping his broom in his right hand.

“Yeah!” Lea and Jake answered.

“I’m really hungry!” Jake added “Playing quidditch makes me really tired!”

“Okay then, let’s go!” Hermione exclaimed.  “We have a big day tomorrow!”

“Where are we going?” Lea asked curiously.

“Hogsmeade.” Draco answered, walking beside Hermione.

The twins slowly turned towards each other and said,

“Does that mean we get to see Uncle George?” Jake asked excitedly.

“And Uncle Fred?” Lea added.

“Uh huh,” Draco murmured.

Fred and George had opened a new location of Weasley’s Wizards Wheezes after the war, claiming that they wanted to be closer to their siblings while they were at school. Everyone knew it was because they wanted more pranking to be done at Hogwarts, and by opening a shop, it gave students access to prank supplies.

“Awesome!” the twins exclaimed. “More pranking!” before running the short distance back to the house.

A look of dread spread across both Draco and Hermione’s faces. They hadn’t thought about that.

'Merlin help us' They both thought, not wanting the next day to come.

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