Chapter Forty

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Hermione sat in Professor Millane's class, waiting for the other students to arrive. It was the final Family Planning class, and she knew that the next time that she would be in this room, would be to de-age the children back to newborns. Everyone in the room seemed anxious, and ready for the professor to declare the class over, all for different reasons.

The professor was sitting at her desk, shifting through numerous pieces of parchment. Thick framed glasses were perched on her nose, and a smile graced her lips every few moments. She looked up every few minutes, checking to see if all the students had arrived as yet.

Five minutes after Hermione arrived; the professor stood up, and walked to in front of her desk.

"Good afternoon students, I'm sure that you'll like for me to keep this short, and quick, so that you can get back to your lives, so I will. I want to congratulate every one of you for completing this class. I know for many of you, it wasn't just a class, it was more of a jump start on life; you've gained families, friends, and lifelong relationships, that I'm sure you'll cherish forever."

Almost everyone in the room nodded at the things she said.

"I've seen all of you grow. It's helped me realise a lot of things, and I would like to thank you for that. I hope you enjoyed this class, and I hope you enjoy the rest of your year. Thank you."

She then went, and sat back down behind her desk. Hermione noticed her wiping a stray tear from her eye as she did so.

"Hey," Draco said, coming up behind her, "Ready to go?"

"Uh huh," Hermione replied, getting up, "Lea's going to be at James's house, and Jake is hitting the quidditch pitch, he says 'James might be my best friend, but there's no way I'm staying for that love fest, for Merlin's sake, it's my sister!'"

Draco laughed, "I might join him; teach him some tricks."

They had exited the classroom by now, and were walking back to the neighbourhood.

"He's obviously inherited your skills with quidditch; I can barely get on a broom!" Hermione laughed.

"When was the last time you were on one?"


"A broom."

"First year." Hermione said breezily.

"The first and last time you were on a broom was at the flying lesson?" he asked incredulously.


"You don't love the feeling of the wind whipping through your hair, or the sense of freedom?" he stared at her some more.

"I've never felt that, I've only ever felt scared to death."

"We have to change that."

"Wait-What? No way in hell that I am letting you take me flying!" Hermione turned and shouted; they were outside now.

"You don't trust me?"

"Draco! That's not fair! Of course I trust you! I just do not like flying!" Now they were almost at the building.

"I'm going to take you flying, and that's final."

"I'm not going, and that's final."

"I always get what I want."

"Well so do I. If you make me go, I am never, ever kissing you again." Hermione turned and smirked at him as she opened the neighbourhood buildings doors.

"You wouldn't."

"Try me." Another smirk.

Draco stared at her for a minute, "Fine, but I will eventually get you to go flying. With me, of course,"

"In your dreams, honey," and with that, she spun around and left him standing alone.

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