Chapter Twenty-Six: RIP

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“Pansy! Why the hell did you Stupefy me? Your idiotic son just kissed my daughter!” Draco shouted the moment that Pansy lifted the spell.

They had reached Hermione and Draco’s house within a few minutes of leaving the dorms. Pansy and Hermione had locked themselves and Draco in a room so that they could talk to him, without Draco running back to the dorms to curse James.

“Draco, it was an innocent kiss on the cheek!” Pansy exclaimed.

“But still!” he exclaimed.

“Draco, you know that Jake would protect her, and it looked like they were playing truth or dare too, I’m betting that the original dare was to kiss her on the lips,” Hermione said.

“What!” Draco shouted, hearing the new development.

“Let me ask you something, how old were you when you had your first kiss?” Hermione asked.

“Ten,” Draco mumbled, sounding slightly sheepish.

“And Lea is what age? Eleven, Draco,”

“I can’t help being over protective, it’s basically comes as part of the job description of being a Dad!”

 “So what age would Jake be allowed to date?”

“Whenever he likes,” Draco answered immediately.

“But Lea can’t?”

“She’s younger than him!”

Hermione looked annoyed, “By five bloody minutes!”

“She’s my little girl,” Draco murmured.

Hermione’s face softened, “You’ll have to let her go eventually Draco,”

“I know, but I was hoping it won’t be for a little while,”

“Like what, ‘till she’s older than you?”

Draco’s face brightened, “That’s a good idea!”

Hermione scowled playfully. Pansy looked on at the exchange in silence, and decided it was time for a talk with Hermione.

 “Uh, Hermione, we have some talking to do, Draco,” Pansy said, before shooting a pointed look at him.

“What?” Draco asked.

“Leave,” Pansy ordered.


“Girl Talk,” Pansy smirked, as if remembering a funny memory.

Draco’s face scrunched up, and he immediately left the room.

 “So... how are you and Harry doing?” Hermione asked excitedly.

“Great!” Pansy squealed, immediately deciding to let Hermione talk first, “He is so sweet, and when I told him that I love him, he said it back!”

Hermione yelped, “Oh my god!”

“I know, and he asked me out!” Pansy squealed again.

“Eeek!” Hermione squeaked.

“What about you and Draco?” Pansy asked, coming out with her question.

“What about us?”

Pansy shrieked, “Your relationship!”

“We aren’t dating,”

“But you two obviously like each other, Narcissa told me that you two are made for each other!”

“She said that?”

“Uh, yes!”

“But that’s not true,”

“Yes it is! You guys are so cute for each other, if you guys don’t get together soon, I’ll enlist James’s help!”

“You would enlist your son’s help to get your two best friends together?”


Hermione shook her head. It seemed like everybody liked the thought of her and Draco together! First Narcissa, then harry had subtly hinted at it, and now, Pansy! What would happen next? Ron saying that she and Draco were soul mates?

“Good Night Pansy,” Hermione said tiredly.

Pansy took that as a sign to leave, “Night, see you tomorrow,”

They both exited the room, and Hermione went to her room, changed and quickly changed, and fell asleep the moment her head hit the pillow. She would need the energy to hold Draco back from killing James tomorrow.


“Here it goes,” Lea murmured, before walking into the Great Hall with her friends.

They all avoided Draco’s glare, each for their own reasons. James knew from experience that Malfoy glares could kill, and Lea just didn’t feel like talking to him.

Lea said goodbye to her Gryffindor friends, and went to sit at the Slytherin table. After about ten minutes, Professor Millane stood up, obviously wanting to speak.

“Good Morning students! Family Planning students, listen up! Today, the children that have been residing with us for the past few months will be going to Diagon Alley for school supplies!” she said excitedly.

“But, we have recreated it in the Room of Requirement. Each family will get an amount of fifteen galleons to spend. If you wish to spend more galleons, you may, using your own money. Just slide the card that you will receive into a slot that will be located in front of Gringotts, type in your account number and specify how much money you will like added. If you wish for the amount to be unlimited, which very few of you will, just put your account number. Please meet me in the Room in fifteen minutes, any questions can be asked there,” the Professor finished, taking a deep breath.

Jake and James looked at each other excitedly “Quidditch equipment!”

Lea shook her head at the giddy look on their faces, but she was feeling the same way on the inside too, except she didn’t show it.

“The first thing that I’m going to do is go into Madame Malkin’s! I saw my Mum’s catalogue; they brought in a limited selection of muggle clothes that are absolutely gorgeous!” Rebecca squealed.

Lea smiled, Rebecca had obviously inherited her mother, Daphne Greengrass’s love of fashion. She wouldn’t be surprised if she one day became a famous wizarding fashion designer.

“Jake, James and I are going to find this store, called Joey’s Muggle Electronics, it sells muggle electronics, obviously, and they are all pre-charmed so that they can work at Hogwarts. We all want to get cell phones; it’ll be easier for communicating.” Lea explained, “You, Damien, and Alicia should get phones too!”

“That’s a good idea,” Becca smirked, “Daddy can’t resist my puppy dog eyes,”

“We’ve got our Dad’s wrapped around our fingers don’t we?” Lea asked, smiling.

“What can we say; we’re Daddy’s little girls,” 

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