Iowa?! (Ch 1)

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Becca's POV

"Wait I'm going to be living with her?"

"Yes. When the court house said you could live with us they meant you could live with us until they found a family member of yours."

"So I have to move?" I asked sitting on Cody's lap.

"Yes. I live in a small town in Iowa."

"Iowa?! That's a whole different time zone!" Cody wrapped his arms around my waist. "I don't know if I want to. I mean I'll have to move away from my boyfriend, my friends, my school."

"They have a school there. It's a pretty nice school if you ask me." I looked down and played with Cody's fingers.

"I think I need to just think about it and talk to Cody about it."

"Ok but she's leaving tomorrow. By law though you have to go with her." I nodded.

"It was nice meeting you. I'll see you tomorrow." I shook her hand then dragged Cody upstairs with me. The second the door was closed I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I don't wanna go. I'll be starting eleventh grade next year. I'll be away from you. And I'll be away from you guys." He rubbed my back slowly.

"I know, but I don't think you really have a choice. It's the law that you have to go with her. Your dad's  in jail, and nobody knows where your mom is. She's the closest family member you have." We didn't say anything after that we just held etch other. I really don't wanna go. How will we work this out? How will we stay together when we're time zones apart?


Love you<3

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