I Never Forgot (Ch 24)

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Becca's POV

Cody and I have now been dating for almost a month. Angie and Brad are so happy that we're back together. Tom is pretty happy too. He's the cutest twelve year old I'v ever known. Alli is more than ecstatic that we're together. She actually took a sneaky picture of our first kiss as a couple again. I changed out the picture of Cody and I in my locket for the newer one that Alli took. Then I replaced the other one of a newer one of Angie, Brad, Alli, and Tommy.

Cody and I are sitting in his room. He's attempting to show me how to play the guitar again. He tried awhile ago, but I don't remember anything from it. I sat with my legs folded, the guitar on my lap as Cody showed me. Well tried to show me. I would mess up a couple times here and there. After awhile I got frustrated and put it down. We just sat on his bed and talked we would talk about anything and everything. Whatever came to mind. I played with the tips of his fingers as we got onto the subject of when he broke up with me.

"I honestly don't know what was going through my head when I did that."

"I know what was going through mine." I looked up into his deep blue eyes. "I thought about everything we ever did together. Everything that happened to us. Then I thought about your eyes, your hair, how you sleep in boxers sometimes, then I started thinking about what everyone else would think." I looked down at our hands.

"Well I know one thing." I looked up again. "I'll never let you go this time. I promise." I smiled then leaned forward and kissed him.

"I love you. I never wanna let you go."

"I love you too. I don't want to ether." He smiled and kissed me again.


We just wanted to spend time with each other. We didn't care who saw. He logged onto Ustream and posted on twitter that he was doing one. He started it and we sat silently for awhile. We're in the kitchen at the counter. After a few minutes he started to speak.

"You guys can see us right?" Some responses saying 'yes'. "I'm just going to wait a few minutes. I wanna tell you guys something." It's probably about us. He didn't tell them about Gigi. I'm guessing he want's to tell them about us. I saw the number of viewers keep going up. I smiled and pointed to it. He smiled and nodded.

"Usually like that?" I asked and he nodded. I rested my head on his shoulder as he typed on twitter. I wrapped my arms around his waist loosely and kept my head there. I saw some people saying 'aww' then other people telling me to get off of him. I got off and he looked at me funny. He went back to Ustream after sending the tweet. He wrapped his arms around my waist loosely and rested his head on my shoulder. I smiled down at my Australian boyfriend. He saw the number reach to a certain height. He took his head off and his one hand. He still had one arm wrapped around my back.

"Ok guys. I wanna be honest with you. When Becca moved to Iowa I was heart broken, and so was she. I was stupid and broke up with her over the phone. I started dating Gigi Hadid. I was. She broke up with me. Then the beginning of this past school year Becca moved back in with us. She got a boyfriend Jeff and they broke up almost a month ago. Now I'm dating Becca again. We've been dating for almost a month." He said it so fast. It was kinda funny. I smiled.

"He thought I forgot about him, but I never forgot. I never forgot anything." I started reading the comments when I felt his soft lips on my cheek. I smiled like an idiot, then turned my head to look into his eyes.

"You missed babe."

"Your head was turned." He shrugged.

"That's never stopped you before."

"Here let me try again." He started coming towards me but I turned my head. He kissed my cheek again. "That's it!" He started trying to get me to turn my head but I wouldn't. He rapidly kissed my cheek, then my neck, then my forehead. I couldn't stop laughing.

"Ok! Ok!" I turned my head and he kissed my lips. He tried to pull away but I wouldn't allow it. I put my hand on the back of his neck. When I couldn't breathe I let go. I smiled then looked at his lap top again.

"So how do you guys feel about Becca and I?" He asked. I saw some comments saying we're cute together, and others telling me to stay away from Cody. There was this one that really bothered me. I pointed to it as Cody scrolled down.

"Please don't be mean about it. I love her." I kissed his cheek.

"And I love him."


Sorry. I was gonna update the other day but my wifi was off :(

Love you<3

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