I Still Love You (Ch 22)

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Becca's POV

Glenn said he would love to hire me. He told me that he doesn't even have to look at my portfolio. He said that any day he'd be busy I could take. He now has two people working for him. We're taking turns. I told Cody, Alli, Tom, Angie, and Brad. Angie said I could use the van anytime I wanted now that I have my license. I woke up and got ready. Glenn said he would text me when he needs me. I showered and got dressed. I wore jeans, a tee shirt, and I put my white Vans on. I put some makeup on. I changed the cartridge in my camera then set it on my bed so I won't be searching for it if I need it. I went downstairs and sat in the kitchen and watched Angie and Alli make breakfast.

"Do you guys need any help?" I asked as I brushed my wet hair.

"No, we're managing fine. Thanks." Angie answered. I finished brushing my hair then scrunched it to make it look wavy.

"Were's Cody?" I asked as I got my phone out.

"He has a photo shoot this morning. He'll be back later." I nod then my phone buzzes in my hand.

"Can you fill in for me today? Emily is doing another shoot and I don't feel well." It was Glenn.

"Sure. Where is it?"

"It's at the Santa Monica pear, thanks."

"No problem. Hope you feel better."

I put my phone in my pocket then ran upstairs. I grabbed my camera and put it around my neck. I slipped on a pair of sunglasses, then went back down stairs.

"Hey Angie? Can I borrow the van?"

"Sure Becca. Where are you going?"

"Glenn doesn't feel well and he want's me to do this shoot."

"Sure, see you later Becca."

"Bye." I grabbed the keys then headed outside. I'v lived in California all my life so I don't really need directions. I pulled into a parking space and walked to the end of the pear. That part had Glenn's team waiting.

"Sorry it took me awhile to get here." One guy looked at me weird.

"Who are you?" He asked snottily.

"Glenn hired me. I'm taking the shoots he can't do. He's sick so I'm doing this one today." He rolled his eyes and continued to talk to a girl. I went over to the makeup artist. I knew she wasn't snotty.

"So who is the shoot for today?"

"Becca right?" I nodded. "Glenn told me he hired you. Today's shoot is for Cody Simpson." At that moment Cody turned around at the sound of his name. He smiled when he saw me. He walked over.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" He asked putting his hands in his pockets.

"I'm filling in for Glenn."

"Well I wouldn't want anyone else." He smiled then went back over to the hair stylist.


"Hey Cody. Pick your head up." I told him. I had him leaning over the railing. His head was down so I asked him to pick his head up so he was looking out at the ocean instead of down. We got some really good shots today. I sent a couple of my favorites to Glenn and he said I was doing a great job.

"Ok. We're done." I announced as I took one last picture. Cody smiled as I showed him some of the pictures.

"I really like that one." He said as I showed him one. I took the cartridge out to give it to Glenn tomorrow. Cody and I walked down the board walk to our cars. He gave me a hug.

"You were really great today." He said when we got to the van.

"Thanks. You weren't so bad yourself." I said and we laughed a little.

"Meet you back at the house?" He said opening my door for me.

"Where are you going?"

"I gotta stop by to see a friend really quick." I got in and he closed the door. I rolled the window down.

"Ok." He turned around. I have to do it right now. "Hey Cody?" He turned back around.

"Ya?" I have to do it. I did it once before. I can do it again. I took a deep breath.

"I still love you. Your the one that I love more than Jeff." He just stood there. "How do I say this nicely? If you still love me too then please don't hesitate. I'v waited two years." I pulled out of the parking lot and headed towards home.


"You what?!" Alli yelled when I told her what happened in the parking lot.

"I sort of told Cody I still love him."

"What exactly did you say?" She asked.

"I said; I still love you. Your the one that I love more than Jeff." She got really excited.

"Then what happened?"

"He just stood there so I said; How do I say this nicely? If you still love me too then please don't hesitate. I'v waited two years."

"Did he say anything?"

"No. After I told him that I headed home. Plus he just stood there when I told him. He didn't even move."

"Where is he now?"

"He said he had to stop to see a friend."

"Probably Harry."


"Ya, Harry Hudson."

"Oh ya. I heard that the cancer came back again. How many times has he had it now?"

"Well he first got it when he was younger, then he had it again in 2013, now he has it again."

"Well I hope he gets better." The door opened downstairs. We heard footsteps coming up the stairs then towards my room. We sat silent. They stopped at my door. Are they gonna come in or not? Then they turned around and opened Cody's door and closed it behind them.

"That was weird." Alli nodded when I said that.

"I'm gonna go talk to him." She got up. I heard her knock. He asked who it was and she answered. The door opened then closed. We'll just have to see what happens.


Love you<3

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