Moving (Ch 2)

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Becca's POV

I am not looking forward to today at all. Cody and I talked about it last night. We said that it's the law, and we'll try to make it work. I'll text him and call him every chance I get, and we'll try to Skype every night. I'm honestly not too sure if it'll work out. I hope it works out ok.

Cody helped me pack everything last night. I woke up early this morning so we could spent as much time together as possible. We went surfing this morning, and now we're skateboarding. We're ridding along the boardwalk next to each other. Cody reached across and held my hand. We kept going down the boardwalk, and the rest of the way home, like that. When we stepped in the house Angie called out to us.

"Becca! Your aunt is here!" I looked up at Cody. We both didn't think she'd be here already. We thought she was coming later tonight. I held onto Cody's hand tightly. I don't wanna let go of him.

"So are you coming to Iowa with me?" I slowly nodded. She seemed happy, I wasn't though. She got up and showed us where to put my bags in the car she rented. I don't know why she wants to leave right away. I gave Brad, Tom, and Angie a hug.

"Thank you for letting me stay with you. I really appreciate it." I said to Angie when I hugged her.

"It was great having you here. It's going to be weird not having you here." Alli came running out of the house.

"You were gonna leave without giving your best friend a hug?" She asked while wrapping her arms around me. I hugged her back.

"Of course not! I was just gonna ask where you were." She smiled when she let go of me. I looked at Cody. I was gonna cry if I looked at him much longer. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I'm gonna miss you so much." He whispered.

"I'm gonna miss you too. Promise to Skype me every night?"


"I love you." He pulled away and looked into my eyes.

"I love you too Becca." Then I gently pressed my lips against his. When we pulled away I hugged him again. He pressed his lips against my temple before opening the car door for me.

"Don't forget ok?" Cody asked through the window.

"I'll never forget you. It's impossible." I looked out the back window until I couldn't see him anymore. I can't believe I was just ripped away from my boyfriend.


I got off the plane and went to baggage claim while my aunt went to get her car. I grabbed my bag before it passed by me and carried it outside. She soon pulled up. I threw my stuff in back and got up front.

"You haven't said a word to me since I met you." She said as we were rolling down the highway.

"Well I don't really know you."

"Ok. I'll tell you. I'm your mom's sister. She's three years older than me. My favourite color is purple. I also have a brown Mastiff named Tiny. What about you?

"I'm an only child. My favourite color is blue. I'v never really known my mother. My dad beat me. My first boyfriend tried to rape me. And you just tore me away from the only boy I'v ever really loved. Is that what you wanted to hear?" She didn't say anything to me after that. She started to pull into a long driveway. At the end of the long driveway was a huge house.

"Holy shit!" She laughed at me.

"You definitely act more like your mother."

"You live here?" I asked astounded by the size of the home.

Don't Forget (BK: 2 of If You Left Him For Me {A Cody Simpson Fanfiction})Where stories live. Discover now