Goodbye (Ch 11)

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Becca's POV

I have to pack this morning cause I'll be leaving. I had a nice long talk with Cody yesterday. We didn't talk about relationships or anything like that. We just talked. I think we needed it. I don't know when I'll see him and everyone else again. Alli sat on my bed while I packed. Sadly it didn't take long to pack. I put my bags downstairs and said goodbye to Tom and Brad. They had to go somewhere so they couldn't go with us to the airport. Cody decided he would go with us.

I sat in front with Cody while he drove, and Angie and Alli sat in back. I swear they have a plan or something. He has his licence now so he doesn't need a parent up front while he's driving. Cody parked and we walked in together. Alli said she's horrible with goodbyes and said she'd stay in the car. Angie too. I hugged Alli tight.

"Goodbye. I'll see you soon."

"Ok. Bye Becca."

"Thanks Angie for letting me stay this week."

"Oh your welcome anytime, you know that Becca." She gave me a hug. "Oh Cody? Would you mind walking with Becca to her terminal? I just wanna make sure she gets there ok."

"Sure." He grabbed my bags.

"I can get them."

"It's ok I want to." I nodded. "I'll meet you inside. I gotta tell Alli something." He walked inside. "You have a plan and I don't think I like it. In case you forgot he broke up with me."

"I know, but he's been moody these past few months and I'm sick of it. Plus he misses you and you miss him."

"He doesn't miss me. Bye Alli. I'll text you when I land."

"Ok, bye." She called after me while I ran to catch up with Cody. We went through baggage check quickly. We went and sat down and waited for them to call my plane. We sat in silence, though it was a comfortable silence.

"Flight eighty two to Iowa is now boarding. Flight eighty two is now boarding." The woman said over the loud speaker. I got up.

"Thanks Cody. I better go now." He stood up.

"Bye Becca." I pulled him into a hug.

"Goodbye Cody." We separated and I quickly walked to my terminal. I didn't look back. I didn't want him to see me crying.


We landed in Iowa and I could see John waiting for me. I got my bags and followed him out to the car. He helped me put my bags in back then started to drive me to my aunts house.

"How was California Miss. Roberts?"

"You can call me Becca, John. It was nice. I missed my home. I got to see my best friend and my ex. That was ok, but I think I still have feelings for him. Where's my aunt?"

"She didn't want to come. She had....things....she had to do." I rolled my eyes and slouched in my seat. I took out my phone and started texting Alli.

"Just landed. My aunt wasn't at the airport. She sent John to come get me and he said she had things to do."

"I'm sorry. Hey wanna hear something funny?"


"After you left, I was talking to my mum about Collin and Cody's hand tightened on the steering wheel. I changed the subject to u and how u told me that u might be able to move back here for Senior year. Cody got excited, and right now he's not in his room. He's in the living room with me."

"He was probably concentrating on the road so much that his hands tightened on the wheel?"

"No it doesn't. It means he still likes u ;)"

"I bet it doesn't. Speaking of Collin I see him and he looks funny. I'll text u later."

"Ok but don't forget about this subject because we're coming back to it."

We pulled into the driveway as I put my phone in my pocket. Collin looks funny. I don't know what about him but he does. I shrugged it off and got out. I don't like this place but I have to stay here at least until I turn 18.


Love you<3

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