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~Arcane's POV
Ry and I were freaked out. What did we do? Skye was to oblivious to even think about what was happening.

We did as Mike told us to do, which was stand by security. We didn't speak the whole time.
As soon as the meet and greet was over, Vic and Mike came over to us. Tony and Jaime went back to the bus.

"I never got your names," Vic said to us
"I know that your name is Skye, but what about you two.." He seemed a little off.

I was too shy to say anything, so Ry spoke for the both of us. "I'm Rydell, and that's my sister Arcane." I looked at them smiled, and waved.

Vic stared at us in shock. He opened his mouth to talk, but Mike talked for him.

"What's your moms name? Where is she at?" Mike looked around frantically, and Ry spoke for me once again.

"Eve Fisher. Shes at work, right across the street at the bar to be exact."

"No way.." Vic said mumbling at the end.

Skye jumped up, and went over hugging Vic. Ry looked at me confused and I did the same.

Vic knelt down to Skye's height, smiled, then hugged him back.
~Vic's POV 🐵
My kids. They're here. At my concert.

I hugged Skye, and was screaming inside.

I finally let go, and asked them to take me to see her, to sort some things out.

"We can't." Rydell said
"Why not?"
"She'll freak out if she found out we came here."
"Why?" I sounded very demanding.
"She told us that we were never allowed to come to one of your concerts, if we did, she would... well she never really got that far, but it's probably not good. Why do you want to see her?"
"She's an old friend. Lost contact with her about 10 years ago."
"Hey, I'm 10!" Skye said
"That's awesome!"

Mike walked out of the room and headed towards the bar. He was pissed.
~Eve's POV
I can't get off work early today because there's a concert across the street. Don't know who's playing, but I do know that the bar tonight is packed.

Everything was going fine, no drunk fights (yet), everyone's paying, we're making money tonight.

I was serving drink, and then I turned to serve a tall heavily tattooed man sitting at a table alone, wearing a flannel, skinny jeans, a beanie, and sunglasses. It's pitch black outside, and it's kind of dark in here. Why the hell is he wearing sunglasses?

"Hi I'm Eve, and I'll be your waitress tonight. Is there anything I can get you to drink?"
"Hmmm. Jack Daniels, along with an explanation on why you ran off with my niece and nephews."
"What?" I said clearly confused. Who the hell is this guy and why....how does he know that?

He took off his sunglasses and stared at me. Mike Fuentes. My kids uncle. My ex's brother. My old best friend.

"Mike--" he cut me off
"They are in the venue across the street confused to who we are to them. They think that we're just a couple of musicians. Not family."

I told Rydell that he was not allowed to go, let alone bring his siblings. I stood there for a minute, my mouth wide, and stormed outside to get my kids out of there.

I'm not letting them get hurt like I did.

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