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Just an FYI the pic above is Skye

~Vic's POV 🐵
I looked at Arcane. She looks just like me. She's 13 almost 14 now. I smiled at how shy she is.

Rydell looks almost the same, last time I saw him he was 7. He's 17 now. He has blue eyes like his mother, but his hair is blue. His natural color is the same as mine.

Skye. Skye must be our third child. He looks exactly like Eve though. He has her hair, her nose, her everything. But he has my eyes. I never knew what our third child was. Eve left early in her pregnancy, so I never found out.

I asked them to tell me what they like, what their hobbies where.

Rydell said that he plays guitar, ukulele, sings,dyes his hair for the hell of it, and likes to ride longboards/skateboards.

Arcane said that she loves drawing, loves horses and cats, and she's obsessed with Harry Potter. Mike probably loves her even more now.

I asked Skye, and he talked a mile a minute. From what I got from his rambling, he loves music, Star Wars (Tony has a new buddy now), dogs, reptiles, hates cats, and he plays baseball.

Seconds later Eve walks in with Mike just steps behind her. Arcane grabs Skye and puts herself in front of him, in a protective manor, and Ry does the same to Arcane. They really are best friends to each other.

Eve. She's still as beautiful as he was in high school. Her hair was in a high ponytail, and she still had on her work clothes. She has bags under her eyes telling me she's hardly slept.

"Rydell Vincent Fisher. You know my rules. Why did you disobey them." Her voice cracked at the end and seconds later she has tears in her eyes.

All I wanted to do was hug her and tell her it's going to be okay, that Ry is just a kid. But I can't. I'm still mad at her, for leaving.

"We-- I-I just wanted to go out and have fun." Rydell says looking at the ground.

Eve broke down into tears again. "Vic I'm sorry," she said sobbing "I'm sorry for leaving, and taking the kids."
I went over to Eve and hugged her. God I've missed her so much. She let go and walked towards the kids. The three were very confused as of what's happening.

"Well since you guys have already met," Eve cried a bit more. "meet your father." Eve falls to the ground in tears and Mike catches her, then sat on the ground with his arms around her, and Eve crying into his chest mumbling "I shouldn't have left." Over and over again
~Arcane's POV
"Meet your father." I tensed up and Skye's hand grabbed mine, and squeezed it gently.

Vic leaded us three outside to talk to us, while Mike and mom were inside.

When we were outside, I realized I can't breathe. I was shaking, and couldn't see anything. Ry ran over to me, whispering. Why is he being so quiet? I don't know what he was saying, but soon everything was black.

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