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Arcane's POV
"Can we like, get food. Now?" Uncle Jaime asked
Dad looked at him wide-eyed "Hime, we literally just ate, just incase you forgot."
"Well yea but that was ages ago."
"Fine. Ice cream anyone?"
We all nodded.

We got to New Jersey about 3 hours ago. The venue was closed so we couldn't check it out yet, so we all hung out on the bus watching movies, talking and listening to dad do these weird sounds to 'warm up' his voice before the show.

Uncle Mike pulled his phone out and looked up the nearest ice cream place. "There's a Baskin Robbins down the street. According to google, it's about a 7 minute drive." He glanced up from his phone and looked at Uncle Jaime, who nodded so fast, his head could have fallen off.


When we entered, we were welcomed by a "Hi welcome to Baskin Robbins."

Uncle Jaime, Skye and I raced over to the counter to pick an ice cream, while Uncle Mike, Uncle Tony, Ry and dad followed us.

We picked our ice cream, and sat outside on the patio under the umbrellas. Dad and I decided on our favorite one 'Gold Medal Ribbon' (A/N I dunno if this is his favorite flavor, but it's my favorite, and it's a song 😁)

After we finished, we headed back to the venue to go to sound check.
As we went to throw away our stuff, we hear someone yell "SHOTGUN!!" Then see dad running to the passenger seat with uncle Jaime running behind him.

"You guys are losers!" Uncle Mike yelled. To our surprise, uncle Jaime gave him the one finger salute, as he was climbed into the passenger seat. Rydell started laughing his ass off with Skye, uncle Mike returned it, while uncle Tony, dad, and I stared at him with our mouths touching the floor. "JAIME AND MIKE YOU DUMBASSES THERE IS A 10 YEAR OLD WITH US!" Dad yelled. Uncle Jaime shrugged it off and went on his phone, and Mike did the same.


The three of us were watching from the side stage, laughing, dancing, and singing along with dad. I felt like all of my problems didn't exist anymore when they started playing.

Before they were going to play their last song of the night, dad said something to everyone in the venue. "I don't think any of you know this, but about 18 years ago, I met a girl, and I started a family with her. She left before we could get married, and she took away our 2 kids, plus our unborn child, and I lost all contact with her. She did not want to be found what so ever. About 2 or 3 days ago, I accidentally found the three of them. So, without further ado, please welcome, Rydell Vincent Fuentes!" Uncle Mike played something on the drums, and the crowed cheered and uncle Jaime pulled Ry on stage. "Another warm welcome for, Arcane Evelyn Fuentes!"

I stood there. Frozen. Hell. No. I am not getting on that stage. Fuck that shit I'm out. Just as I was about to turn and head towards the green room, uncle Jaime grabbed me, threw me over his shoulder, and ran on stage. The crowed laughed and cheered. "And last but never least, Skye Micheal Fuentes!" Uncle Jaime didn't grab Skye, he ran on by himself.

We all smiled and dad spoke into the mic one last time, "This is a song that I wrote for their mom when we were in high school, and when she found out she was going to have Rydell. Everyone, this one is called Hold On Till May."

We walked off stage, and were confused. What did that song have to do with mom? She's usually one of the happiest people when she's slept, and when she's home. She never told us anything about her past. What went wrong?

"Mom and dad, did you search for me?" That line. Does it have to do with mom and her parents? Our grandparents? What is happening.

The concert ended, everyone showered, now we're on the road again heading somewhere very far according to uncle Tony.

Everyone went to bed besides Ry, dad, and I. We're currently talking about mom and things we did when we were little. "How does hold on till may have to do with mom?" I questioned. Ry sent me a 'what is wrong with you' look but I ignored it.

Dad inhaled slowly. "Has she ever told you anything about her past?" She shook our heads 'no'. He nodded and continued "Your grandfather, on your moms side was very mean to her, he's bipolar. He would be nice, then be Satan in a matter of seconds. He took all his anger out on your mother, because your uncle and grandmother worked all the time."
I cut dad off. "Wait. Mom had a brother?"
"Yea, his name was Luke, he was in a car accident. He was a good friend of mine." Dad said looking down and shaking his head in disapproval.
"We told everyone that she was pregnant and I almost got killed. Literally. He chased me 3 miles to my house with a knife in hand. Fastest I've ever ran in my entire life."
We chuckled at his last comment.
"Stuff went on, and about 6 months into the pregnancy, your mom had... she... she started cutting, and tried killing herself..." Ry tensed up next to me.

Dad noticed and put a hand on Ry's knee in a comforting way to calm him down. "She didn't know what to do. She never wanted to do you any harm. At this time, I stopped cutting, and when I saw her... I started again. Luckily, Mike noticed what was going on and helped. A tall, yet annoying, 14 year old helped us through everything. We were living with my parents for a long time, then we got a house. Her parents didn't bother looking for her at all, which caused her so slip into depression, and start cutting again when you were 2, Ry.... I'm sorry I shouldn't be telling you all of this..."

"No it's fine, dad." Ry said
He smiled "You called me dad."
"Well duh." He said jokingly
"I haven't heard you say that in a long time." He was smiling from ear to ear.

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