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Vic's POV
"Actually, I think I made up my mind."

The guys leaned towards me, so their faces were in my face.

I took a deep breath and said
"I'm going to bring them on tour."

"CALM THE FUCK DOWN THEY'RE SLEEPING YOU DUMB ASSES!" I whisper yelled. They then all whispered "I'm sorry." Back.

Mike looked at the clock on his phone. "It's 12:00 AM right now. They still have to pack and we have to leave in like 4 hours."
"Aw shit. I'll go wake them up, and we can just sleep on the bus?"
They all nodded, agreeing with my idea.
"Okay, Tony you wake up Arcane, while Mike gets Skye, and Jaime gets Rydell. I'll call Matt and tell him the plan."
"Can I like, yell in Ry's ear to wake him up?"
"Im gonna do it anyways." Jaime says walking towards Ry and Skye's room.
"Stop him."
"You probably just woke up the entire apartment complex, Mikey."
He just shrugged and went inside the room. I thought that Tony was still behind me watching this, but when I turned around, I noticed that he was already in Arcane's room helping her pack.
Arcane's POV
"Hey A. It's your favorite uncle you and your brothers are going on tour with us." I opened my eyes to see Tony looking right at me, smiling. I smiled back and got a suitcase. I'm not even going to question him on anything. If this is true, I wanna be the first to get ready and leave as soon as we can.

I started grabbing all of my shirts, all of my pants, 4 pairs of shoes, 4 jackets, bras, underwear, socks, PJ pants, then I ran to our messy bathroom to grab lady products, makeup, toothbrush/toothpaste, hairbrush, mouthwash, deodorant, and perfume. I don't think I need anything else. I shoved everything into my bag, with the help of Tony of course, then sat in the living room waiting for everyone.

Tony's phone started ringing so he went outside to answer it, then dad walked in with a huge smile on his face
"You packed already?!" He said laughing
"Hehe yep. I'm excited. I haven't been anywhere but here."
"Well you've been in San Diego before."
"I have?"
He nodded "You and Rydell were both born there."
I smiled "Sweet."

Just then, I remembered about a couple of things I forgot in my room. I got off the couch and told him that I would be right back.

As I entered my room, I grabbed my penny board, my baby blanket, and a couple of my stuffed animals. Hey- I might be 13 and a half, but I still like stuffed animals, and I like sleeping with my baby blanket.

I walked out of my room and put everything next to my bag. Dad walked over from the recliner and sat next to me. "Do you know where you got this toy?" Dad asked picking up my stuffed penguin "Nope. I thought it was just another random stuffed animal." I said honestly. Dad chuckled "Your grandma, my mom, made that for you on your second birthday. See? There's no tags, and your birthday is sewn into it's foot." He flipped the penguin upside down and showed me. It freaked me out for a second that he knew that, but I calmed down.

"We're readyyyyyyy" Jamie sang as he and Rydell walked out of the boys' room. Dad and I started laughing because Jaime was happy and awake, smiling at us while Rydell looked dead and was still tired, then he gave us mean looks. Seconds later, Mike and Skye come out of the room.

"Are we all ready to go?"
"Then let's go!"
We have been on the bus for about an hour now and I'm feeling a little claustrophobic in this bunk. They look bigger on the bus tour videos or pictures. They're also kinda uncomfortable, but oh well.

Earlier when we were first introduced to the bus, Dad showed Ry where his bunk was and he immediately got in and fell asleep, Skye sat on the couch and looked out the window, but slowly fell asleep, the guys all went to bed, and I, well, I've been sitting in my bunk on my laptop scrolling through social media.

I texted Griffin, Henry, Emilia, and Mikey and told them what was going in a while ago in the group chat. They haven't responded yet (probably because they're all asleep) though.

I'm excited to go on tour, get to know my dad and uncles and stuff, but I feel guilty leaving mom. I know, she's missing, but what if she comes home? What if Brock finds us?

I need to stop thinking about this. I grabbed my earbuds, plugged them into my laptop, and started playing some music. I wasn't paying attention to the song, but listening to something relaxed me a bit.
It's currently 8AM. I haven't slept at all. My laptop died, so I went to charge it, and switched to my phone to listen to music. Instead of going back to my bunk, I sat on the couch.

I looked out the window and saw a sign that said 'New Jersey 246 miles'. I'm guessing we're going to New Jersey for a show.

I was still looking out the window, then I felt someone jump on the couch. Startled, I looked up to see Jaime wearing socks, black boxer briefs, and a Metallica shirt.

"Well good morning to you too sir."
He chuckled and sat down.
"Whatcha doing up this early?" He questioned
"I usually get up really early. I don't know why. Just a habit." I'm such a liar.
"Cool. You want some food? I can make some pretty good cinnamon rolls. They're from a pillsbury container so it's amazing." He asked laughing at the end.
I suddenly stiffen and reply
"I-I'm not hungry.." I stuttered
"Okay. I'm gonna eat some cereal. I'm lazy and don't wanna make anything now."
I nodded and drew my attention to my phone.

"JAIMEEEEEEEE!!!!!" Mike yelled from the bunk area.
"MICHAELLLLL!!!!" Jaime yelled back.
"I want foooooooood."
"Make your own damn food."

Seconds later Mike walked out with an angry/tired look on his face. I couldn't help but laugh at how much Ry looks like him in the morning.
"Hush child. It's too early for this shit." He said playfully
"Sorryyyyy." I said extending the Y.
Mike looked down at me with a smirk. "Let's play 20 questions!" Jaime blurted out.
"I'm down with that." Mike said, agreeing to Jaimes plan.
I nodded in agreement.
"I ask 10, and Mike, you ask 10."

Jaime clears his throat, and starts asking questions a mile a minute.
"Favorite color?"
"Hm.. lilac or grey."
"Favorite movie?"
"Either Harry Potter, or Halloween town, the collage one though."
"What's your favorite song by us?" Mike asked smirking.
"Floral and fading is my new favorite."

This continued for about 15 more minutes, then Tony walked out from the bunk area. With out saying anything, he goes to the cabinet, and grabs Star Wars cereal. He looked inside the box, and glared at Jaime.

"Hime, if you stole the fucking toy, I will not hesitate to break you."
Jaime groaned and shuffled to the bunks dragging his feet across the floor. When he returned, he had a small ewok toy in the palm of his hand.

Tony then snatched the tiny toy out of Jaimes hand and kissed the toy and whispered "It's okay my little ewok, Turtle's here." Mike and I laughed while Jaime rolled his eyes.

It's going to be great staying with them.

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