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Eve's POV
It's really hot. I don't know where I am, but where ever I am, it's so hot I can feel my tattoos melting off my skin.

I opened my eyes, only to realize that I'm in a car with Ardie, Cliff, and Brock. Shit.

After sitting there in shock, I then questioned "What the hell am I doing here?"

Brock was driving, but looked in the mirror to see me. "Hey babe. Glad you could be awake to see us."
"I'm not your 'babe'. Where am I? We're are my kids? What the hell are you doing out of jail?"
"Well someone's feisty." Cliff said to me
"Shut it or I'll make sure you can never have kids." I shot back
"Oh shit." Brock said, laughing "We're going on a road trip babe."
"I'm not your fucking babe! Now, where the hell are we going?!" I demanded
"Whatever, bitch. We're going to Texas. Fort Worth to be exact." Brock said with a creepy smile.

I was confused as to why we're going there, but then I remembered. My dad lives there.

I was born and raised in San Diego, but when I left for a reason that should not be brought up, they moved to Texas for retirement. My mom was never really home when I was a kid. She worked her ass off with my older brother, Luke, providing for us. So it was mostly me and dad at home all the time.

My dad is bipolar. He constantly wanted sex, so he had random sluts around when mom and Luke weren't home. He would have mood swings ranging from sad to angry in a matter of seconds. He isolated himself, but if I did a little thing to piss him off, he would throw me against a wall or something worse.

When he found out I was pregnant with Rydell, he was happy, then he threatened to hurt me, Vic, and Ry. When Arcane was born, dad went to prison for drunk driving and killing Luke, who was in the backseat, in the process. I haven't seen or talked to Mom in years, mom divorced dad when he did that 14 years ago.

Dad doesn't know about Arcane or Skye, and I sure as hell am NEVER telling him about them. Unless Brock already did...

"Why are we going there?"
"For some daddy-daughter time Eve! Cheer up. You don't have the kids, and your off work."
"I don't care. I want to go home."
"You want to go home so you can cry to Vic?! What the hell is wrong with you?! We belong together Eve!"

Brock pulled over and got out of the car. I was shaking. He came over to my side, grabbed a beer bottle, and smashed it against my head.
"We're going to be the happy couple we once were before someone slipped a secret. Now, shall we keep going?" I could smell alcohol in his breath. He had been drinking.

I was already in tears and I could feel something warm drip down my left cheek. Before he went to the other side of the car, he slapped me across the face. I was used to the pain, but this time it was a light stinging. I looked down at my feet and nodded.
"Good. Now, Cliff, make she doesn't speak the rest of the fucking ride, if she does, you and her will be in trouble. Got it?"
"Ye sir."
And away we went towards hell.

I wish I was dead.

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