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Vic's POV

We haven't heard any news about Eve at all. The only thing we knew was that she was spotted in Texas with a man named Cliff. Did she move on? Did she start a new life? No. she loves her kids to death. As much as I wanted to go out and find her, I don't know where to start.

We have been on tour for a few days now, and the kids haven't left the bus. The only time they do is when we're at a gas station, or we're going out to eat.

We haven't seen SWS in a while, so tonight, we're going to surprise Arcane and Ry, they're going to meet one of their idols for the first time. Kellin and the guys are going to come to our bus and hang out with us.

We are currently driving to Tampa, Florida, so we'll be in the bus for about 10 hours. Currently, Tony and Ry are messing around with their guitars, Jaime and Mike are face timing Jess and Alysha, Skye is playing on the Xbox, and Arcane and I are watching Galaxy Quest in the back lounge, but I'm not paying attention. I'm waiting for Danielle to get off work so I can call her.

Minutes later, my phone rings. Danielle is trying to FaceTime me. I happily answer it.
"Hey Dani."
"Hi monkey."
"How are things at home? I miss you."
"I miss you too! Things are sooooo boring here with out you."
"Hey, do you wanna meet Skye, Rydell, and Arcane?"
"Haha okay."

I walked out from the back lounge, and into the front. "Skye and Ry, I want you guys to meet someone."

They stood up and followed me to the back lounge.
"Guys, this is Danielle. Danielle, this is Rydell, Arcane, and Skye." I said pointing to them.

"Oh my god you guys look like your dad it's creepy. IN A GOOD WAY THOUGH!!" Danielle yelled through the phone while we all laughed.

Hours went by then I realized what time it was. "Hey Dani, we're gonna let you go. Go get dinner, shower, and relax. I know you had a busy day, you always do."
"But I don't wanna hang up. I wanna talk to you guys."
"I'll hang up for you."
"Ugh Vic not again." She said laughing

And with that I hung up. Not even 5 seconds later I got a text from her saying
FUENTES❤️ xo Dani'

I chuckled then looked at the clock. Sleeping With Sirens should be in in about 30 minutes. With that time, I'll have everyone get ready for the party.

"Hey guys get ready. We're having a party with the guys." Mike, Tony, and Jaime nodded and my kids looked confused "Get changed." They nodded to that and got ready.

We had the music playing, we ordered pizza, we had beer for they guys and I, Arcane and Rydell had monsters, and Skye had juice boxes. He's too young to have monsters, and like Jaime, he's already hyper as is.

Five seconds later Justin Hills comes inside our bus, and yells at the top of his lungs, "WHOS REAY TO PARTYYYY?!?!"

The rest of the guys came piling in, and when Kellin walked in and peeked his head around the corner, Skye jumped out of his seat and ran towards him
Rydell and Arcane perked up, and Kellin ran over to them.

Why did... who... what the hell...

"How's your mom doing? She hasn't answered my calls. Does she know that you guys on tour with your dad? Vic please tell me you didn't kidnap them."
"Uhh... I didn't kidnap them,"I replied confused "How do you guys know each other?"
"Oh... um.... Eve is kinda sorta my best friend, and I kinda sorta know your kids really well, and when Eve told me who their dad was, she kinda sorta told me not to tell you or she would make sure I have no kids again..."
"That's interesting... how did you two meet?"
"Long story."
"Okay then. Well it's awesome to see you, Kels." I said hugging him
"Good to see you too."

Arcane ran over to Kellin and started bombarding him with questions. I let the four catch up while I caught up with the others.
Kellin and Rydell were talking and halfway though their conversation, Kellin grabbed Ry by his shoulder and directed him to the back of the bus.

Concerned, I followed them and listened through the closed door.
"I need to talk to you about a few things uncle Kel.." Ry said
"What's going on? Are you.. you know.. doing it again."
"No, no. Definitely not. But, with everything going on I feel like I should..."
"What's going on? You never told me where your mom is. Last time I talked to her, A was in the hospital.."
"Oh...well, you remember Brock right? He escaped from prison somehow, and probably took my mom. We haven't heard anything about it. I take that back, she was seen in Texas with Cliff."

I heard Kellin sigh. I'm so confused about what is happening right now. As I was about to turn away, Kellin started the conversation again.
"You have to tell Vic."
"Tell Vic that you feel like cutting again, Ry. He knows what it's like. Have you even told him that you used to?"
"We can drag him in here and talk to him right now if it makes you feel better."
"*sigh* thanks uncle Kel."
"Anytime Ry. You know that you are like family to me, Katelynne, the boys, and Copeland."
"Heh of course."
"Shall we get him?"

Before they opened the door, I ran inside the bathroom. Luckily, the door to the lounge is near the bathroom so I didn't have to go far and make them suspicious.
Kellin knocked on the door

"Yes Kelly-bear?"
"Come out into the lounge. I have to tell you something."
"Be out in a second."

Okay. Well. I know what to say. I think.
I left the bathroom, and went inside the lounge.
What's Vic gonna say?
I honestly have no clue rn 😂

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