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Vic's POV
Arcane calmed down from crying, then walked out of her room. Mike sprung up and followed her.

It made me think of when Arcane was just learning how to walk and Mike was right behind her the whole time, just in case she fell, or something else happened.

"Sooooo.....what are we going to do about them?" Jaime questioned
"I was just thinking the same thing."
"Have you told Danielle about them yet?" Turtle also questioned
"Shit. I haven't called or talked to her in like 2 days!" I said putting my head in my hands
"Okay.... you still didn't answer my question."
"I've told her what happened, and she knows about them.. she just doesn't know that I accidentally found them." I chuckled at the end
"Tell her, dude." Jaime forcefully said
"What time is it?"
"10:30? I dunno it's like 7 or 8 o'clock in SD so calm your tits Vic." Jaime laughed. I nodded and decided to text her.

Hey babe. Sorry I didn't call or text you... tour is messing with my mind... So remember when I told you about my ex girlfriend and our kids? I found them, by accident. And something has come up. They want us to finish tour, but i dunno if we can. I'll text you more details. love you xo Vic

I pressed send and sighed.
"What do I do Jaime?"
"I have no clue. What should Vic do turtle?"
"I dunno." The turtle said looking up from his phone
"What?" Both Jaime and Tony said at the same time
"What if we took them on tour?"
"Like the fan fics?"
"What?" Tony and I questioned
"You know. Our fans write--"
"We know what fan fiction is."
"Well in most of the stories about you, you bring them on tour and shit."
"Does it end up well?" Tone asked
"Not really."
"Thanks for making me feel Better Hime." I said sarcastically
"Anytime." Jaime laughed

I leaned my back against the wall, and heard the faint noise of a ukulele playing a song. Then, someone started singing. It was Arcane. She was singing 'Can't Help Falling In Love' by Elvis Presley. I got up and leaned against Arcane's door to hear it better. Her voice was beautiful. I started singing along with her, Jaime heard and hummed along, and Tony was texting Erin.

When the song ended, I walked out of the room, down the hallway, and stood close enough to the living room so I could hear what Mike, Rydell, and Arcane talking about. I eavesdropped for a while then walked out to see Rydell holding a ukulele, and Arcane sitting next to Mike on the couch. I sat down thinking about what to do.

Should I continue tour and leave my kids here with their moms psycho ex boyfriend on the loose, or do I bring them on tour and everything go hectic?

I got on twitter and something crossed my mind. "Do you guys have a twitter or instagram?"
Arcane spoke up first "Yep. My twitter and instagram are the same username. It's @littleptvarcane." I chuckled at the username, she added the bands name in it.
"Mines @rydellvf for both accounts too." I nodded then put something on twitter:

'@littleptvarcane @rydellvf are the best kids anyone could ever ask for. Love you guys.'

I posted it and within a span of an hour, Arcane and Rydell had hundred of new followers, and questions about everything.

'@littleptvarcane @rydellvf @piercethevic YOU HAD KIDS?!?!'

'What is happening @littleptvarcane @rydellvf @piercethevic'

The guys saw my tweet, and also put something on twitter.

Mike: '@littleptvarcane @rydellvf I love you guys'

Tony: 'I have the best niece and nephews everrrrrr @littleptvarcane @rydellvf '

Jaime: 'Kids are weird. I like them. Thanks @piercethevic!'

For instagram, I posted a picture of Arcane, Mike and I at the fall festival.

There where haters here and there, but a great majority of the fans accepted it.

It was getting late, and I still had no clue what to do. Arcane went to bed, and Rydell put a movie in for the five of us. I wasn't paying any attention to it, but it must be funny because Jaime is literally on the floor laughing so hard he can barely breathe.

I looked at my phone, and saw that I had a text from Danielle.

'I've been busy too babe, don't blame yourself. That's insane. I know how much you missed them, you talk about the little thing that you did with them, and it's adorable. I miss you come home pleaseee!! ❤️'

I smiled at the text and then my phone died. The movie ended quicker than I thought it would. Rydell went to bed and told us that if we left, lock the door using the key underneath the mini clay turtle statue outside. We all nodded and said good night.

"What are we going to do, Vic?" Mike whispered
"I don't know. I want to bring them on tour with us, but we hardly have any room. I can't just leave them here with Brock on the loose..."
"We can bring them on tour. We can make room on he bus." Tony said
"Like how?" I questioned
"Well Matt (tour manager), Ashley (photographer) can stay on the stage crews bus because they have 2 extra bunks."
Mike and Jaime sat on the couch and agreed to Tony's plan looking at me for approval.
"I'll ask them, but guys, what about school? Their friends? What about Eve? What if she comes home only to see that her kids aren't even in the same state as her."
"Well they are your kids, so I guess it wouldn't count as kidnapping if they agreed to it." Jaime joked
"Yeah, sure." I laughed
"We'll make up your mind bro. We leave in about 6 hours." Mike said
"Actually, I think I made up my mind.."


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