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These are Rydell's and Arcane's best friends above btw
Rydell's POV
Dad was driving us home from the festival, and I couldn't help but feel guilty. I kind of left uncle Mike and dad to go hang out with Griffin, Mikey, and Henry.

When we were now sitting in the car, and I'm talking to Tony about guitars. It's nothing too exciting, but considering I'm talking to one of my favorite guitarists in the world, I'm fanboying. It's normal.

We pulled into the front of our apartment, and I notice that there's a cop car and two officers standing by our door.

I was in shock. What happened? Is mom okay? What if Brock got out of jail? I ran towards the door with Mike, Jaime, and Dad following me.

My voice was a little shaky but I managed to have a conversation with one of the officers.
"Good evening officer. What seems to be the problem here?"
"Do you live with Evelyn Victoria Fisher, and if so, what is your relation to her?" He asked
"Yes, my sister, brother and I live here. She's our mom. Is she okay?"
"Not exactly. She's missing."

I tensed up and didn't say anything. Salty tears then slowly came out of my eyes. How? Who? When? Why?

"I'm deeply sorry sir. By any chance do you know someone by the name of Brock Rubel?" I tears slowly escaped from my eyes.
I haven't cried in about 4 years. As soon as I was about to say something, dad spoke up

"Don't you think we should go somewhere private and asks these types of questions?"
"I agree. Do you mind if we go inside?"  The other officer asked
"No problem." I said shakily

I reached for my key and unlocked the door. Dad came in with me, and we all sat in the living room. Mike and Jaime went back to the car to be Tony, Skye, and Arcane.

"To continue with our conversation from outside, do you know the name Brock Rubel?"
"And how do you know him?"
"He was my moms ex boyfriend."

I saw Dad cringe a bit out of the corner of my eye like it bothered him that she had dated others after they broke up.

"Okay. Well he was due to get out of Pentonville Prison in about 4 weeks, and--"
"Wait. Was? What happened.."
"He's missing."
I sat there wide-eyed, my mouth to the floor.
"It's Rydell." I said sternly
"Well then. We looked at his records and saw that he went to jail for abusing his ex-girlfriend and child endangerment. Is that true?"
"Yeah... Brock tried to legally adopt us, but my mom disagreed.... so he.. he hit her and... called her things that should never, ever be said to anyone, even if they do deserve it."
"Do you know, where he could be?"
I thought about it for a while. Then it hit me. The old house.
"I would try 4306 Pickett Way. It's the house that Brock and my mom bought together as their 2 year anniversary."
"Thank you Rydell. You have no idea how much you have helped."
"Sure. Can you please tell me if you find anything?"

The two officers left, and the others came in. I don't want to scare Arcane or Skye, so I'm not planning on telling them now.

"Everything okay?" Tony asked
"Yeah just a misunderstanding." Dad said

Arcane looked unsure. She walked up to me and asked if she could talk to me privately in her room, so I agreed. I looked back at Dad, and he gave me a slight nod, and a smile basically telling me 'it's okay'. I returned the smile and nodded back.

When we entered her room,  she gave me a look and pointed to her bed silently telling me to sit down, so I did.

"You and Vic are lying."
"Okay first off, we can call him Dad--"
"I know, but it's still weird to think that Vic Fuentes is my dad."
"Fair enough. Oh and before I was rudely interrupted," Arcane rolled her eyes and I continued "I didn't really want to tell you but.... moms missing."
"What do you mean missing? Like NCIS missing, or like I dunno where she is at the moment missing?"
"NCIS missing."

After sitting in silence for a while, Arcane spoke up again and said "This is just like the fan fictions." We both laughed at her comment but we were still sick to our stomachs. I'm not going to freak her out even more by telling her that Brock escaped.

Just then, we heard a knock on the door. It was the guys. Skye wasn't with them though. Dad sat on the bed with me and put Arcane in his lap. Mike sat on the swirly office chair by Arcane's desk, while Tony and Jaime grabbed beanbags and placed them closer to the bed.

"I told the guys what happened." Dad said. I sat there silently looking at my hands. Arcane spoke up after just sitting in her room for a while, still wrapping our heads around what happened. "What's going to happen? You guys have a month left of tour.." "We can stay here with you until we get news about your mom." Jaime said
"You don't have to though. Think about all he people who bought tickets to one of your concerts..." I whispered
"It's fine, I'm sure the fans will understand."
"Dad, they don't even know us."
"Ry, I insist. I can't just leave you here."
I was didn't want to argue with him so I just ended it with 'Fine.'

"Who's Brock?" Mike asked
Arcane tensed up, and buried her head into dads chest. He looked down at her confused and concerned, his gaze from her then panned over to me.

"He was my moms boyfriend for about 4 years. Brock was a nice guy for a while, but everything took a turn for the worse. He would come home from work and be so stressed out, and he would take it out on us. Brock would get a belt, a book, tv remote, something with weight that would do some damage but not too much damage and throw it at me, he would call Arcane things that should never be repeated, and both of his kids sexually assaulted her, and mom became an alcoholic. She wouldn't hurt us though, she was a sad drunk. He treated Skye, and his sons Kyle and Joseph like royalty, by giving them anything and everything. Skye was only 5 or 6 at the time so he didn't really understand what was happening. I started cutting at age 12, and have been sent to the hospital countless times, and Arcane developed an eating disorder at age 8. This continued for about 3 more years, then Henry and Emilia's mom and dad got us help, and we are forever in their debt."

I looked up at everyone in the room again. Mike was frozen, Tony looked like he could pass out, Jaime was in shock, Vic looked like he was about to kick some ass, and Arcane was silently sobbing into Vic's chest.

Jaime was the first to come over to me and hug me, followed by Mike and Tony. I returned the hugs, then left Arcane's room to look for Skye.

I entered our room, and saw him fast asleep. I lightly smiled, then got changed into some sweatpants. It was only 10:30. I grabbed my ukulele, then walked into the living room to tune it.

Arcane walked out of her room and I started playing "Can't Help Falling In Love" Arcane smiled then sang along to it.

"Wise men say
Only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin
If I can't help falling in love with you?

Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand,
Take my whole life, too
For I can't help falling in love with you

Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand,
Take my whole life, too
For I can't help falling in love with you
For I can't help falling in love with you."

We heard someone clap, and saw that it was Mike. I smiled back at him and Arcane was slightly embarrassed. Mike told us that he hasn't heard that song in a while and said that dad would sing it to Arcane when she had a nightmare or was crying.

It made me happy thinking that my dad was here. But it felt wrong because mom isn't.

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