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Arcane's POV
I woke up startled, then remembered where I was. I looked around the boring white room that smelled like hand sanitizer (not the nice ones that smell like apples or whatever), and realized that I'm alone. I didn't have my phone, clean clothes, nothing.

I noticed that there was a small TV hanging from the wall, and the remote was next to me on a table. I turned it on and flipped through the channels. After switching between channels, I decided on NCIS: New Orleans. Not my favorite, but I love anything with crimes and shit like that.

After watching two episodes, Vic....err dad...whatever he wants to be called, walked into my room and sat next to me on the bed. He wrapped his right arm around me, and I rested my head on his shoulder. He gently kissed the top of my head

We sat like this in silence for a while, then Rydell walked in, sat in a chair and watched TV with us. Minutes later, a nurse walked in and grabbed a clipboard that was sitting on the table, and clipped what must be my file onto it.
"You can leave anytime Miss Fisher. We just need a parent or legal guardian to sign a few things." I nodded and looked at Vic. He got up and followed the nurse to the front desk.

"Mike and I ran home last night and grabbed some clothes for you." Ry said while throwing a duffle bag at me. I caught it and thanked him. I got up and  headed towards the bathroom to get changed.

Sadly, whoever packed my bag, didn't pack any of my make up. But they made it up by putting in a grey hufflepuff shirt, jeans, my phone charger, and hufflepuff socks.
Vic's POV
I got up and signed some papers for Arcane. I knew that Eve should do it, but she's sleeping, and I don't want to disturb her.

When I woke up earlier today, I noticed that Skye was still sleeping on me, and Eve rested her head on my shoulder. I felt happy. Like we were a family again.

But I remembered that I have Danielle. I moved on. Mike and the guys went back to the bus last night. I asked Tony before they left last night if they could pick me up in the morning, and he agreed.

After I finished signing some papers, I went over to Eve to wake her up. She looked so peaceful. I gently shook her, and whispered in her ear.
"Eve, Arcane can leave now. Can you wake up?"
She groaned at first then shot up.
"What time is it?!"
I looked at the clock on my phone.
"1:03 PM."
"Shit! I have to be at work!"
She stood up, and was about to leave but turned to me and said

"Can you watch the kids today?"

It shocked me that she wanted me to watch them, but I smiled ear to ear and nodded.

"Thank you Vic. You are a lifesaver."

She said running out of the hospital.
I smiled at her leaving, then I turned to Skye. I'm surprised that he's sleeping still. Is that normal?

"Skye buddy, time to get up. We're going to hang out with your uncle Mike, Jaime, and Tony today."
"Do I have to get up?" He said with his eyes closed still.

I chuckled and responded "Yes, you do. We're doing something fun today."

I grabbed Skye's hands and pulled him up out of the chair so he can stand up, and we walked to Arcane's room. When we walked in, she was changed into different clothes and same with Rydell. Skye was in the same clothes as yesterday, as am I.

"Your mom had to go to work, but she asked me to watch you guys today. So we're going to hang out with the guys if that's okay with all of you."
Skye was barely listening, he was leaning on me almost asleep. Rydell and Arcane nodded.
Almost 30 minutes later Tony calls me saying that he's outside with the guys. The four of us made our way downstairs, and got in the car we rented. We have 2 days off from tour so we aren't concerned about going to the next city. One day for relaxing, the other for traveling.

I grabbed the duffle bag that Arcane was holding. Threw it in the trunk if the rental car we got last night. Skye got in first, followed by Rydell and Arcane. There wasn't enough room for the four of us to sit back there, so Skye sat on Rydell's lap and Arcane sat on mine. She was actually really light. Lighter than I expected.

We sat I silence for a while with the radio playing in the back very faintly.
"So what are we doing today?" Jaime asks
"I don't know. Do you want to just hang out on the bus, or should we go and do something?" I asked

Rydell interfered and told us that there's a small fall festival thing that the library hosts every year and that it's set up like a fair. Tony, Jaime, Arcane, Skye, and Mike practically begged us to go.
"Show us the way Ry." I said with a smile. I heard a quiet "yes" come from Arcane and Jaime.

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