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If you know what show this is from I love you
Rydell's POV
We got to the small festival, payed for parking, and now we're walking up towards the center of the park where this is set up.

Mike was talking to Skye, Jaime and Tony where talking to Arcane, and dad was looking around at the scene in front of his eyes. Orange pumpkins, leaves/decorations everywhere, stacked hay bales, and a couple of games scattered around. They usually have rides here, but I guess they stopped.

There was a small band playing in the gazebo that was honestly terrible. They played like very country music. Not my favorite at all.

"I thought there was going to be rides like last year, Ry." Skye said disappointed
"It's okay buddy, they probably will do it next year. But hey, they still have games here."

Skye's eyes lit up like the Griswolds house on 'Christmas Vacation'.

"Uncle Tony and Uncle Jaime! We HAVE to go play games!" Skye begged.

Jaime didn't say a word but started sprinting towards a game booth with Skye right on his trail. Tony laughed and started walking in their direction.
Arcane's POV
I inhaled the scent of the festival. Carmel apples, bonfire, and pumpkin. My favorite. I looked around and remembered coming here all the time with Ry when we were little.
"Ry are we allowed to do this?" I asked
"Listen A, I've done this before. Moms at work and she will never find out unless you or I tell her."
"Sure. But what if mommy found out?"
"I doubt it. Skye will be asleep the whole time in the stroller okay?"

We walked out of the house, making sure to lock the windows, and doors to the house. Ry had a key to the house because he has to walk home with me from school everyday.

I felt sick. My tummy hurt. I don't wanna tell Ry because he might get mad. All of a sudden we heard someone yell "Hey Ryde!" I turned around and saw Ry and I's friends Griffin, Mikey, Henry, and Henry's sister, Emilia, walk into our drive way.

"Hey guys! We're walking to the park now!" Ry yelled
"Dude, I heard that they have new rides there!" Miley shouted
"This year is gonna be sick!" Emilia said we all laughed because that's something she never says.
"Arcane? You okay?" I was pulled out of my happy thought by dad er Vic whatever.
"Yea just thinking of something from when Ry and I were little." I said with a smile
"Is it the time we snuck out and Mikey, Griffin, Henry and Emilia came over and we hung out with them?"
"Yepperdidoda." I laughed
"Best fall fest year ever."

Just then, I felt someone jump on my back. Emilia.
"HEY SLUT!" She screamed in my ear
"SUP BITCH!" I yelled back to her

Dad and Mike looked confused but Rydell explained everything.

Emilia looked up at Mike and dad. make direct contact with me, and whispered "What the hell are you doing with Vic and Mike Fuentes?"
"I just kinda found out last night that Vic's my dad."
Her eyes widened then she said very quietly "Like the fanfics?"
I nodded "Just like the fanfics."
"Holy shit."
"My thoughts exactly."

Then seconds later Griffin, Mikey, and Henry come out of nowhere on their skateboards and longboards (Mikey's the only one with the skateboard, he hates longboards for some reason)

"Hey lil' A!" Griffin said slowly dragging the tip of his shoe across the ground to slow himself down
"Hey tall leprechaun."

I call Griffin a tall leprechaun because he's Irish, had red hair and is really tall. He's 6 foot on the dot. Rydell talked to the boys for a while and went off to do their own thing, while Emilia and I hung out with Dad and Mike.

"So how did you guys meet?" Dad asked
"We were in the same preschool, kindergarten, second grade, third grade fifth grade, some sixth grade, and most of seventh grade classes." Emilia said with a smile
"We also lived across the street from each other for a while, but then we moved to the apartment." I added
"That's neat. So what do you guys wanna do?" Mike asked
"Um... we can get pumpkins?" I suggested
They all nodded in agreement.
Everyone left the fall fest, and now we're driving back to our house to hang out. It feels weird to hang out with my dad all day, and him not really talk much.

Did I do something? Does he hate me? There's a pit in my stomach that makes me feel guilty for hanging out with Emilia all day, even though dad and Mike were hovering over us the whole time, watching our every move.

Jaime and Skye bought a bag of kettle corn which was about the size of Skye, and they were shoveling piles down their throats like the world was going to end.

Tony and Rydell were talking about skateboards, guitars and just random stuff.

Mike was on the phone with his girlfriend Alysha.

Dad was driving and I got shot gun, so I was in the passengers seat.
"Are you okay?" I asked
"Yeah. It's just weird seeing you guys all grown up, you know? It's insane how much you look like Mama Fuentes." He said with a smile
I returned the smile, and turned the radio up a little more. I don't know what song this is, but it was catchy.
Vic's POV
I told my kids --whoa that's weird to say-- that I would take them to their house. Skye was bored and wanted to hang out with us some more, Rydell wanted to show Tony his guitar collection, and Arcane, well she was still getting used to everything, so she's been quiet.

We were at a stop light, and Skye was falling asleep in the back, we spent all day at the festival. It was currently 9:30 PM. I continued the way to their place, when I saw Arcane's mouth fall to the ground. There was a cop car, with two officers knocking on the door.

Rydell saw too, so he, Mike, Jaime, and I went up to the officers while Arcane, Tony and Skye stayed in the car.

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