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Rydell's POV
Uncle Kellin left the back lounge to search for dad. I don't know what to tell him. I didn't tell Mom that I cut, I had uncle Kellin tell her, and when he told her, mom helped me. Without her here, I don't know what to do.

Kellin came back with Vic behind him.
Here goes nothing.

"Vic, Ry has something to tell you."
Dad nodded, sat down, and his full attention was on me.
"I don't know what to say honestly, but, here it goes.. I used to cut. A lot. And mom would help me get through the urges. Without her here, my arms are practically begging me to do something, but I don't want to. I don't know what to do dad."
"I know what you're going though, Ry. I really do. When I used to cut, mama and papa sent me to therapy, and just talking to Mike helped me, more than I thought it would. Did your mom tell you what she used to do when she got urges?"
I shook my head 'no'.
"She would draw on herself with markers. When Eve felt the need to do it, she would get 2 markers and draw a flower or a little quote to make her feel better. After she finished, your mom would come to me or Mike and tell us why she wanted the pain again and why she felt down. It made her better. I suggest you try that, see if it works for you."
"Yea, but mom is an amazing artist, unlike me where I can't even draw a stick figure." I said
"It doesn't have to look pretty, just draw, sometimes Eve would have me draw on her. You could get A to draw on you if you wanted, she's very talented in art and music like your mom from what I've seen in her sketch book."
I nodded agreeing with his plan
"We can even have a code word if drawing on yourself doesn't help. Think of a word we can use, anything."
"How about 007 (double O seven)?"
"Perfect. Just like James Bond."

Just as we were going to walk to the front lounge, a very intoxicated Mike Fuentes and a VERY intoxicated Gabe Barham came in the back lounge with a mini drum kit toy. When you tap on the top of the drum, it makes a noice and says 'Good job! Do it again!', Gabe tapped the top, then Mike would laugh a bit, and vise versa.

Uncle Kellin and dad  got a bit tipsy, but they knew what they were doing, same with Tony. Jack Fowler, Justin Hills, and Jaime were drunk and singing, correction, slurring 'I Knew You Were Trouble' by Taylor Swift, while Nick Martin, and Skye were head banging to it.

Arcane took a couple of videos and posted it on snapchat/instagram/twitter. My personal favorite is when Jaime came up to dad and told him he wanted a brownie, when dad said no, Jamie started laughing and said "Come on buddy, I need a brownie in my belly."
It was about 1:30 AM. Tony went to bed to FaceTime Erin, Nick and Mike are watching Harry Potter, uncle Kellin, Justin, and Nick went back to their bus, while Jack, and Jaime are watching the no no no cat, drinking a bottle of wine (A/N because apparently, Jaime doesn't like beer), and crying, yep, crying. Sad tears, not happy tears. Dad went to bed a while ago, same with Arcane.

Now, Skye and I are in the back lounge playing around with my ukulele.
"Can you play a song on your ukulele?"
"Of course. What do you want me to play?"
"Moms song."
"House of gold?"
"Sure, sing along though. You know the words." I said with a wink
Skye smiled and nodded

"She asked me, 'Son, when I grow old,
Will you buy me a house of gold?
And when your father turns to stone,
Will you take care of me?'

She asked me, 'Son, when I grow old,
Will you buy me a house of gold?
And when your father turns to stone,
Will you take care of me?'

I will make you queen of everything you see,
I'll put you on the map,
I'll cure you of disease.

Let's say we up and left this town,
And turned our future upside down.
We'll make pretend that you and me,
Lived ever after happily.

She asked me, 'Son, when I grow old,
Will you buy me a house of gold?
And when your father turns to stone,
Will you take care of me?'

I will make you queen of everything you see,
I'll put you on the map,
I'll cure you of disease.

And since we know that dreams are dead,
And life turns plans up on their head,
I will plan to be a bum,
So I just might become someone.

She asked me, ''Son, when I grow old,
Will you buy me a house of gold?
And when your father turns to stone,
Will you take care of me?'

I will make you queen of everything you see,
I'll put you on the map,
I'll cure you of disease."

When the song ended I gave Skye a high five.
"You like that song don't you?"
He nodded "It's moms favorite, so it's my favorite."
I smiled at him
"Can you play one of your songs?"
"I don't write songs, Skye. I don't know how."
"Dad said it's easy. Right down what's on your mind or what happened that day."
"Maybe some day, bud."
"Get dad to help you." He demanded
"It's almost 2 in the morning, sir. I think you should go to bed."
"I'm not tired." Skye said yawning
"Mhmm. Sure. Go to bed."
"Good night bud. Love you."
"Love you too."

With that, I was alone in the back of the bus, and I think I am the only person awake. I heard Nick turn off the movie he and Mike were watching, and leave the bus.

I went towards the front of the bus to get some snacks, only to see that Mike was sleeping on the floor, cuddling an empty bottle of whiskey. Mikeywhiskeyhands.

After I got what I wanted, I went to my bunk, grabbed my laptop, chargers, my phone, pillows, a blanket, and headed towards the back of the bus again.

Setting everything up the way I wanted, I pressed FaceTime on my laptop, trying to get ahold of Griffin.

It rang 3 times when he finally picked up.

"Hey Ryde. What's up? How's tour?"
Arcane and I told Griffin, Mikey, Emilia, and Henry about what happened, and where we're going.

"Nothing much. Everyone's asleep. It's fun, a little boring."
"We miss Arcane the most."
"Fuck you."
He chuckled "I guess we kinda miss you too."
"AWE I MISS YOU MOREEE!!" I whisper yelled
"Shut up. You're really fucking loud."

We talked for a while, then Arcane came to the back with her laptop, and even more blankets.

"I thought you were asleep." I said to Arcane
Griffin looked confused  "Who are you talking too?"

Arcane smiled then sat next to me.

"Hey tall leprechaun. I miss you too."
"Shorty, FaceTime Henry and Emilia." Griffin directed Arcane to do.

"Yes sir."

FaceTiming Emilia, Mikey, Griffin, and Henry. The whole squad face timing each other. It was lit. I forgot how much I missed these guys.
After FaceTiming for 2 hours, Arcane and Emilia fell asleep, but kept FaceTime on still, so it was just Mikey, Griffin, Henry and I. Henry was using Emilia's laptop. I got a call from an unknown number, the guys told me to answer it, so I did and they had a conversation while I was on the phone.

"Rydell Fisher?"
"This is him."
"We have some news on your mother."
"Good or bad news?" I questioned

IG: turtlepiazza

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