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Arcane's POV
2 weeks later
Tour is almost over. We go home in a week. Home meaning San Diego. Dad said that we're going back to Pittsburg to grab our personal belongings, medical records, etc.

Our apartment is going up for sale when we get back. We're leaving our bestest of friends. We're leaving everything.

The funeral for mom was about 5 or so days ago. I lost count. The investigators sent her body back to SD so she could be buried next to uncle Luke. Uncle Kellin and aunt Katelynne are distraught, along with...well, all of us who were close to her.

Ry's whole arm is filled with different colors. It looks like a tattoo sleeve from afar, but up close you can tell it's just drawings in sharpie. I don't know why though.

Skye has shed every single tear he had left. All of us are trying our best to cheer him up. Tony even offered to watch Star Wars with Skye so he can be okay, but he declined.

Dad and I stay close to each other. We can't go anywhere with out the other behind. Sometimes dad wants to be alone, so I let him, but when Mike found out the other day, all we did was watch Harry Potter movies to feel somewhat better.

Our friend group is only getting closer than ever since we left. Emilia, Henry and I face timed last night, and we just talked about random shit. Nothing special. Griffin and Mikey called me the other day, Mikey was supposed to FaceTime me, the clumsy fuck he is, broke his laptop so FaceTime won't work, and his phone is fucked up anyways, so the only time I have seen him is when he's at either Henry & Emilia's house, or Griffin's house.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by uncle Jaime opening and closing the curtain on my bunk. When he opened it, he made a weird/funny face. I laughed and smiled at his actions, then he told me that they had to be at the venue earlier than usual, because there's a meet and greet before the show, instead of the end.

I jumped out of my bunk only to see that the bus is still in motion, and it's 6 in the morning, so it was pitch black out. Uncle Jaime and I were the only ones up, so he made breakfast, while I drank a small bottle of orange juice and huge bottle of iced water.

"You hungry?"
I shook my head no.
"When was the last time you ate?"
I thought about it for a while, when I was going to answer, but uncle Jaime interfered.
"If you have to think about it, it's been too long."
"I ate yesterday?"
"You said that as a question. Eat. Now. Please?"
"I'm not hungry."
"Two bites of my pancake. Please?" Uncle Jaime pleaded
"I'm full."
"Of lies?"
I chuckled a bit then took a swig of my OJ.
"Please eat A. It's not healthy to stop eating."
I'm not hungry, but I don't want fight with him any longer, so I gave in.
"Ugh. Fine. 2 bites ONLY though."
He nodded, smiling and cut two slices off of his pancake.
"That's really big, uncle Jaime."
"It's literally the size of a quarter."
"A quarter is really big."
"No it's not. You're tiny, but you're bigger than a quarter."

I didn't respond, but instead stated at the piece of fat.

"Arcane, do you want time to get your dad?"
"No he hasn't slept in days, let him sleep." That was an amazing excuse. Good job A.
"Then I'll get Tony."

Uncle Jaime got up and came back with Tony leading the way.
"A? I need you to eat please." Uncle Tony was begging me
"I'm full."
"No you aren't."
"Yes I am. Now excuse me, I'm going back to bed." I stood up, walking towards the back of the bus when uncle Tony gripped my wrist and pulled me back to him and uncle Tony.

"Eat. Please?" Uncle Jaime said
"Arcane, lift up your shirt." Uncle Tony said concerned
"Just do it."
I lifted my shirt, so you can only see my belly button.
"Up to your bra line."
"Just do it."
I lifted my shirt below my bra and saw my uncle's reactions.
"You are skin and bones. Why? Why are you doing this, Arcane?" Uncle Tony asked
I shrugged, looking at the floor, pulling my shirt down.
"You aren't fat." Uncle Jaime said
"I know, I'm skin and bones, but I feel fat. I know it's not healthy, but I just do it. I starve myself and I don't know why." I was on the verge of tears, but I knew I had nothing to shed.

"Tony get the scale." Uncle Jaime whispered but lud enough so so could hear it

Uncle Tony came back and told me to step on it. I agreed because again, I don't want to fight with them.

"According to google, you are supposed to weigh around 115-132 pounds. You are 87." Uncle Jaime said
"Will you eat now?" Uncle Tony said
"I guess. Please don't tell dad he has enough on his plate."
They both nodded and I ate 3 bites to make them happy.

When I finished, I grabbed my drinks and headed back to my bunk. That was weird. I put my earbuds in, and slowly fell asleep hearing Tyler Joseph sing my favorite song ever, 'Can't help falling in love'.

"ITS SOUND CHECK KIDDOS WAKEY WAKEY!!" Why is Uncle Jaime so loud. Like no, stop.

A few groans later, the three of us rolled out of bed and slowly walked to the front of the bus.

The guys' tour manager was in the front talking to everyone about the plan to get inside the venue
"We've played this venue before. There's not back entrance, so we have to run though the front." (A/N I know this was like out of the USA but let's pretend it is if you get the reference.) I looked out the window to see thousands of PTV fans lined up outside the venue, blocking the entrance.

"What do we do?" Dad said laughing
"Good question. I have no idea."

After coming up with plans and ideas, the police came, and made a human wall, making us a entrance to get inside. There was a cop that ran inside the venue covering us in case there was like a crazy fan trying to hurt or get our attention.

When we made it inside, they had to do the same with SWS.

"That was the craziest thing I have ever experienced!" Nick yelled when running inside.

We all nodded and a few 'Same' came out here and there.

"This is going to be an insane show." Uncle Kellin screamed.

It's already insane. Can this get any crazier?


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