23. The beginning of the End.

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  "I remember the first day I fell in love with you." I say to Becca as she fliddles with her wedding ring like it was the first day I gave it to her. Now this was many years ago.

  She looked up at me. "I remember when you slammed into me and all your things went flying. Your piercing eyes staring at me like I just woke up from a dream. Your long hair shining bright." Becca giggled at my words, and I knew I was making her blush.

" I wanted to help you. But you know how high schoolers are darling. Now the first time you rode with me on my bike was the second best day of my life."

"You more like kidnapped me on your bike." She laughed.

"Yes, but that was the moment I knew I wanted to spend the rest of mg life with you." I say laying my head on the pillow and her resting her head on my chest. She was listening to my heartbeat.

As we almost fell asleep, a loud thud and loud yelling came from another part of our house and was running towards our room.

We shot up. And then two little monsters hopped on our bed.

" Kara, what are you still doing up. Why are you and your brother out of bed?" Becca asked.

Kara smiled wide with her two front teeth missing. " Johnathan heard a noise in his room, I rescued him. Now we are here with you Mommy."

We both laughed and made room in our bed for them two. They slept in between us. I found Becca's hand and held it as we all finally fell asleep. Knowing this will be just the beginning.


Hey guys, sorry about such a wait. But I needed to put this story to a good end. I'm working on others right now. This might be the last chapter, maybe not. But we'll see.
Thank you all for reading. Check out my others.


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